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Grade 10 lesson on Clothing choices of the young adult.
Graad 10 les op die jong volwassene se keuse van geskikte klere.
Grade 10 week 7: Adaptive clothing for the people with disabilities.
Graad 10 week 7: Aanpassings van klere vir mense met liggaamsgebreke.
Grade 10 week 1 lesson on entrepreneurship.
Grade 10 week 1: Lesson on entrepreneurship.
Die les handel oor die oprigting van 'n klein onderneming en die beginsels wat dit lei.
The lesson covers the establishment of a small scale business and the principles that guide it.
The focus for this lesson is the factors that influence housing needs.
Die fokus vir hierdie les is die faktore wat behuisingsbehoeftes beïnvloed.
This lesson covers Design features of housing and interiors: Ergonomics and Universal design...
Hierdie les dek - Ontwerpkenmerke van behuising en interieurs: Ergonomie en Universele ontwerp -...
This lesson covers the SBA and PAT requirements for 2021 in grade 10.
The lesson covers the SBA and PAT requirements for 2021 in grade 10. 
The lesson covers the SBA and PAT requirements for 2021 in grade 11.
The lesson covers the SBA and PAT requirements for 2021 in grade 12.
The lesson covers what a consumer is and the rights and responsibilities of consumers.
Hierdie les fokus op wat 'n verbruiker is en hul regte en verantwoordelikhede
This lesson is about the types of decisions consumers make.
Hierdie les handel oor die tipe besluite wat verbruikers neem.
Factors influencing consumers' buying behavior.
Faktore wat verbruikers se aankoopgedrag beïnvloed 
Food and Nutrition: The factors influencing consumer food practices.
Voedsel en Voeding: Die faktore wat verbruikersvoedselpraktyke beïnvloed.
Die les handel oor die energie- en voedingsbehoeftes van die verbruiker.
The lesson is about the energy and nutritional requirements of the consumers.
The focus of the lesson is on nutritional needs of the young adult. 
Voedsel en Voeding
The Department of Basic Education has pleasure in releasing a subject exemplar booklet for School...
This material aims to help you to consolidate the knowledge you learnt in the topics The Consumer...
Hierdie materiaal sal jou help om die kennis wat jy geleer het in die onderwerpe Die Verbruiker en...
Die hersieningsmateriaalaantekeninge is bedoel om die inhoud wat in kwartaal 2 geleer is, te...