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This document is the official Teaching and Assessment Subject Plan for Engineering Graphics and...
This MEMO for GR11 MECHANICAL ANALYTICAL TASK 1 MEMO is intended to serve as a resource for...
This is the MECHANICAL ANALYTICAL TASK 1 for GR11 is intended to serve as a resource for teachers...
EGD TRIANGULAR PRISM Grade 11 / IGO Driehoekige Prisma Graad 11
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 28-...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 28-30...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 14-...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 14-17...
Hersienings les oor Vaste Liggaame vir Graad 11 in die tweede kwartaal.
This lesson covers revision of solids.
Lesson term 3 week 1
Les kwartaal 3 week 1 oor Vaste Liggame.
Please see the presentation providing clarity and mediation for the 2020 National Revised Teaching...
Learners are required to draw the curve of interpenetration of two solids and the surface...
Learners are required to draw the curve of interpenetration of two solids and the surface...
In die les sal jy leer om deurdringingskromme van twee vaste liggame asook die...
A HELIX is the locus generated by a point that moves at uniform velocity around the outside surface...
`n HELIKS is die lokus van `n punt wat teen `n eenvormige spoed om die buitekant van `n silinder...