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Presenter: Bonita Belelie Please note these Videos should be used in conjunction with your...
Presenter: Bonita Belelie Please note these Videos should be used in conjunction with your...
This document is the official Teaching and Assessment Subject Plan for History Grade 10 – 12 of the...
Hier is die amptelike Onderrig- en Assesseringsplan vir Geskiedenis graad 10 – 12 vir die Wes-Kaap...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 20-24...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 28-...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 28-30...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 20-...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 14-17...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 14-...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 04-...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 04-08 May...
The French Revolution: Napoleon
Die Franse Revolusie: Napoleon
Die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidverklaring is die nasionale beleidsdokument wat leer en...
Hersiening: Oorsake van die Franse Rewolusie.
REVISION of the Course of the French Revolution
Hersiening: Die Verloop van die Franse Rewolusie.
Please see the policy providing clarity for the 2020 National Revised Teaching Plans (ATP) Grade 10...
Please see the presentation providing clarity for the 2020 History Teaching Plan (ATP) Mediation (...
Political changes in South Africa between 1750 & 1820 Section 1: Introduction:...
Transformasie in Suider-Afrika na 1750: Politieke veranderinge in Suid- Afrika tussen 1750 &...
Transformations in southern Africa after 1750 - Political revolution in southern Africa: 1820–1835.
Transformasie in suider-Afrika na 1750 - Die politieke rewolusie in Suider-Afrika: 1820–1835
Developed by the DBE
Transformations in southern Africa after 1750: Legacies of Shaka
Transformasies in Suider-Afrika na 1750: Nalatenskap van Shaka
Koloniale uitbreiding na 1750: Brittanje neem beheer oor die Kaap.
Colonial expansion after 1750 - Britain takes control of the Cape.
Die Zoeloe-koninkryk en die kolonie van Natal en samewerking en konflik op die Hoëveld
The Zulu kingdom and the colony of Natal AND Co-operation and conflict on the Highveld
Revision: The Rise of the Zulu Kingdom and the Legacies of Shaka