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Political changes in South Africa between 1750 & 1820 Section 1: Introduction:...
Transformasie in Suider-Afrika na 1750: Politieke veranderinge in Suid- Afrika tussen 1750 &...
Transformations in southern Africa after 1750 - Political revolution in southern Africa: 1820–1835.
Transformasie in suider-Afrika na 1750 - Die politieke rewolusie in Suider-Afrika: 1820–1835
Transformations in southern Africa after 1750: Legacies of Shaka
Transformasies in Suider-Afrika na 1750: Nalatenskap van Shaka
Koloniale uitbreiding na 1750: Brittanje neem beheer oor die Kaap.
Colonial expansion after 1750 - Britain takes control of the Cape.
Die Zoeloe-koninkryk en die kolonie van Natal en samewerking en konflik op die Hoëveld
The Zulu kingdom and the colony of Natal AND Co-operation and conflict on the Highveld
Revision: The Rise of the Zulu Kingdom and the Legacies of Shaka
Hersiening: Die Opkoms van die Zoeloe - staat en die Nalatenskap van Shaka