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Technical Sciences Grade 11 science Learner book
This document is the official Teaching and Assessment Subject Plan for Technical Sciences Grade 10...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 28-...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 28-30...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 14-...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 14-17...
This lesson will teach you the super position of waves.
Hierdie les leer jou wat Super Posisie van golwe behels.
this lesson is about sound waves.
Hierdie les handel oor klankgolwe.
Ontwikkel en befonds as ’n lopende projek deur die Sasol Inzalostigting in vennootskap met die...
This book was developed with the participation of the Department of Basic Education of South Africa...
This lesson will teach you the application of Ohm's law in an electric circuit.
Hierdie les sal jou die toepassing van Ohm se wet, in n elektiese stroombaan, leer.
This lesson will teach you how to determine the resistance of an unknown resistor.
Hierdie les sal jou leer om die weerstand van n onbekende resistor te bepaal deur die toepassing...
Launched in January  2020 the DBE has developed an abridged version of section 4 of the CAPS,...
This lesson will teach you Ohmic and non-Ohmic conductors.
Hierdie les sal jou die eienskappe van Ohmiese en nie-ohmiese geleiers leer.
Please see the presentation providing clarity and mediation for the 2020 National Revised...
This lesson will teach you the application of ohm's law in electricity.
Hierdie les sal jou die toepassing van Ohm se wet, in elektriese stroombane leer.
This lesson will teach you the series and parallel calculations in electric circuits.
hierdie les sal jou die berekeninge leer van serie en parallel stroombane.
This lesson will teach you the combination of serie and parallel resistors in a circuit.
Hierdie les sal jou die kombinasies van serie en parallel skalelinge in n stroombaan leer.
This lesson will teach you the concepts of emf and internal resistance.
Hierdie les sal jou die gegrippe van EMK en interne weerstand leer.
This lesson will teach you the application of Coloumb's law in science.
Hierdie les sal jou die toepassing van Coloumb se wet in wetenskap leer.
This lesson will teach you understand the electric field around a current carrying conductor.
Hierdie les sal jou die beginsel van elektriese velde rondom n stroomdraende geleier, leer.