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This document is the official Teaching and Assessment Subject Plan for Civil Technology:...
Hier is die amptelike Onderrig en Assesseringsplan vir Siviele Tegnologie: Konstruksie graad 10 –...
This is the Graphics as means of communication eResource for GR10 that is intended to serve as a...
Graphics as means of communication (Generic) CONSTRUCTION, WOODWORKING AND CIVIL SERVICES will...
Grade 10 Grafies as Kommunikasiemiddel KONSTRUKSIE, HOUTBEWERKING EN SIVIELE DIENSTE Week 1 - 3 (...
Siviele Tegnologie - Konstruksie- Grafika as kommunikasie middel Graad 10.
This is the Graphics as means of communication (Specific) CONST Week 6 for GR10 is intended to...
Welcome to the Sixth and final issue of the six-part EDU-Self Build -A-Home training series.This...
Welcome to the Sixth and final issue of the six-part EDU-Self Build -A-Home training series.This...
Welcome to the Sixth and final issue of the six-part EDU-Self Build -A-Home training series.This...
Welcome to the Sixth and final issue of the six-part EDU-Self Build -A-Home training series.This...
Welcome to the Sixth and final issue of the six-part EDU-Self Build -A-Home training series.This...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 04-...
Welcome to the Sixth and final issue of the six-part EDU-Self Build -A-Home training series.This...
Die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidverklaring is die nasionale beleidsdokument wat leer en...
The National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement is a single, comprehensive, and concise...
This lesson was developed on Calculate the following: • Volume of concrete for a straight trench •...
Hoeveelhede Om die hoeveelheidslys te bepaal. Voorkoming van vermorsing van materiaal. Werk die...
Please see the policy providing clarity for the 2020 National Revised (ATP) Grade 10 - 12 for Civil...
Please see the presentation providing clarity for the 2020 National Revised Teaching Plans (Grade...
Lesson plan term 3 week 1
Les kwartaal 3 week 1 oor Hoeveelhede (Spesifiek)
Power Point to assist with lesson 3 of term 3 on Quantities.
Power Point to support lesson 3 of Term 3 on Quantities.
Launched in January  2020 the DBE has developed an abridged version of section 4 of the CAPS,...
Hier is die 2020  Nasionale Hersiene Kurrikulum jaarlikse onderrigplan vir Siviele Tegnologie: ...
This is the mediated 2020 National Revised Annual Teaching Plans for Civil Technology: Construction...