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Free videos for examination preparation. Theory, examples and exercise. Pages can be downloaded at...
This resource includes a variety of questions to use and compile formal and informal assessments.
This resource includes a variety of questions to use and compile informal and formal assessments...
Hierdie hulpbron sluit 'n verskeidenheid vrae in vir Ekonomiese Bestuurwetenskappe graad 9 om...
Die hulpbron sluit 'n verskeidenheid vrae in om formele en informele assesserings op te stel.
This resource includes a variety of questions to use and compile formal and informal assessments.
Hierdie hulpbron sluit 'n verskeidenheid van vrae in om formele en informele assesserings op...
Hierdie hulpbron sluit 'n verskeidenheid vrae in om formele en informele assesserings op te...
This resource has a variety of questions to use and compile formal and informal assessments.
This document is the official Teaching and Assessment Subject Plan for Economic Management Sciences...
Hier is die amptelike Onderrig en Assesseringsplan vir Ekonomiese Bestuurwetenskappe grgaad 9 vir...
Questions about the accounting equation of debtors
Questions about price theory
Questions about the sectors of the economy
Vrae oor debiteure
Vrae oor prysteorie
Vrae oor die sektore van die ekonomie
Lesplanne om Graad 9 leerders te lei en te ondersteun.
Lesson plans to guide and assist Grade 9 learners.
Lesplan om leerders te lei en te ondersteun.
Lesson plan to guide and assist learners.
This lesson plan supports teachers, learners, and parents with the teaching and learning of EMS in...
Lesplan om leerders te lei en te ondersteun.
Lesson plans to guide and assist learners.
Lesson plans to guide and assist learners.
Lesplanne om leerders te lei en te ondersteun.
Lesplanne om leerders te lei en te ondersteun.
Lesson plans to guide and assist learners.
Lesplanne om leerders te lei en te ondersteun.
Lesson plans to guide and assist learners.
Lesson plans to guide and assist learners.
Lesplanne om leerders te lei en te ondersteun.