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Life Sciences is the scientific study of living things from molecular level to their interactions with one another and their environments. Knowledge production in science is an ongoing endeavor. Scientific knowledge changes over time as scientists improve their knowledge and understanding and as people change their views of the world around them. Scientists are always involved in debates and disagreements but they eventually reach consensus about the ways in which the world works. The science theories that is taught in schools have been tested and were generally accepted.
At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless; Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is, But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity, Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards, Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance. T.S. Elliot *********************************** Dance is for everybody. I believe that the dance came from the people and it should always be delivered back to the people.
The skills you are expected to master in Grades 10- 12 are high levels of listening and speaking, reading and viewing, writing and presenting as well as language in context. Subject Requirements You will need the following: A good language text book Prescribed literature study books Exercise books for writing purposes A good English dictionary Learning is not a spectator sport. – D. Blocher If you want to master English, get involved and practice as much as possible.
Accounting focuses on measuring financial performance and communicating financial information. Key principals are ethical behaviour, transparency and accountability. Learners will be able to record, analyse, present and interpret financial data to make informed financial decisions. They have to develop a deep understanding of concepts to relate to real-world situations and balance theory and practice. Critical, logical and analytical abilities will promote learners' application of their knowledge & skills to a fast evolving financial world.
“The alternative to good design is always bad design. There is no such thing as no design.” – Adam Judge *********************************** Design is a creative problem-solving process and includes the study of both design practice and design theory. The design process involves problem identification, planning, research, innovation, conceptualisation, experimentation and critical reflection.
Mechanical Technology: Automotive encompassing petrol and diesel driven vehicles, motor cycles, lawnmowers and tractor mechanics; The automotive industry is a term that covers a wide range of companies and organisations involved in the design, development, manufacture, repair marketing, aftermarket products and selling of motor vehicles, motorcycles, mopeds and recovery and repair of damaged and stolen vehicles. It is one of the world's most important economic sectors by revenue.
Afrikaans Eerste Addisonele Taal handel oor die gebruik van Afrikaans in werklikheidsgetroue situasies. Die klem val op die vaardighede luister en praat, lees en kyk asook skryf en aanbied. Hierdie vaardighede word aan die hand van tekste bestudeer, aangeleer en ingeoefen. Kennis van taalstrukture en -konvensies en die gebruik daarvan in outentieke tekste is ewe belangrik. ’n Hoë premie word op lees, en veral op leesbegrip, geplaas. Die doeltreffende ontwikkeling van taalvaardighede maak deure na ’n wye verskeidenheid beroepe oop.


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