This revision package consists of revision booklets designed to assist you in revising the critical content and skills covered during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd term. The purpose is to prepare you to understand the key concepts and to provide you with an opportunity to establish the required standard and the application of the knowledge necessary to succeed in the NCS examination.
Subject Revision for Grade 12Download past examination papers for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020 with memos and answer books where applicable. Use these previous exam papers to revise and prepare for the upcoming exams. This way you can find out what you already know and what you don't know.
Past Papers & Memos Common Papers Exemplar Papers Exam GuidelinesYou have reached the final year of your studies at school. What you do this year will impact on the rest of your life. Your pass at the end of the year will impact on your future prospects at university, on your career and your general quality of life. Therefore in Grade 12 you should not leave your studying until the end of the year. You should be working for at least two to three hours a day throughout the year. This book provides you with important tips for success.
EnglishJy het jou finale studiejaar op skool bereik. Wat jy hierdie jaar doen, sal ’n impak hê op die res van jou lewe. Hóé jy aan die einde van die jaar slaag, sal ’n invloed hê op jou toekomsvooruitsigte aan ’n universiteit, jou loopbaan en jou algemene lewensgehalte. Daarom moet jy nie in Graad 12 jou studie tot die einde van die jaar uitstel nie. Jy moet regdeur die jaar ten minste twee tot drie uur per dag werk. In hierdie boekie gee ons vir jou belangrike wenke vir sukses.
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