Resources to support Grade 12 Learning and Teaching
Taking care of curriculum as well as enrichment needs

Here is a collection of resources to support learning and teaching in grade 12. The resources span a variety of topics to keep learning fresh and exciting. Some of these resources walk hand in hand with CAPS (Curriculum and Assessment Policy) or the Revised Curriculum that had been implemented since Covid-19. The resources can be used in classroom teaching, or as part of an @home learning programme. The main objective is to entice learners to stay inquisitive. Let's keep learning FUN!

“They cannot stop me. I will get my education, if it is in the home, school, or anyplace.”

- Malala Yousafzai


Gr. 12 Subject Revision

Revision subjects for Gr. 12 Learneres

Telematic School Project

Learn and explore in a fully interactive virtual learning space.

Gr. 12 Subject Support

Subject-specific resources are available below to help Grade 12 learners.

Tips for Success 2024

Download this booklet for all the tips for success.

Wenke vir Sukses 2024

Laai hierdie boek af vir al die wenke vir sukses.

Lewenswetenskappe Videos

Videos vir Lewenswetenskappe in Afrikaans geskep deur Mnr. Louis Fourie.


Cape Winelands Education District's (CWED) Virtual Tutoring.

Subject-specific, virtual lessons by subject advisors to empower learners and teachers.

Gr. 12 Subject Revision

Subject-specific resources to help Grade 12 learners with curriculum and assessment requirements.


2021 Kuier Rapport Matriekklas

Toegang tot videoklasse en lesmateriaal vir matrikulante.

2021 Practical Assessment Tasks

Download the PATs for the practical subjects as prescribed by the DBE.

FET Common Papers

These are not official exam papers, but examples of what learners can expect in their exam.

FET Exemplars

These are not official exam papers, but examples of what learners can expect in their exam.

FET Study Guides

Use these study guides and booklets to help prepare you for the exams.

Find the most commonly asked questions and answers regarding the National Senior Certificate (NSC).

NSC Exam Timetables

See the NSC exam timetables.

NSC Past Exam Papers & Memos

Download NSC past examination papers for 2016 - 2020 with memos and answer books.

Adults that qualify to write the 2022 Senior Certificate examination must register for the examination from 01 October 2021 until 13 February 2022.

The e-Assessment will provide learners with online exams in which they can practice and prepare for the exams to attain National Senior Certificate (NSC) accreditation.


Memory - 5C's for Success

See the 5C's for success towards better learning.

Memory Skills and Tools

Improve your memory for learning with these skills and tools.

On the day of the exam

Click here for exam day tips.

Study Tips for Grade 12s

Study tips to help matriculants succeed in the grade 12 examination.

Time Management

Read these time management tips for a successful future.

Vocabulary/ Terminology used in Exam Questions

See this guide to correctly understand what the examiner is asking.


Coding and Robotics

The DBE has compiled a Digital Skills Curriculum for Grades R to 9. Enjoy resources that will guide you to find your inner coder.


Collections of resources, supporting learning and teaching, anywhere, anytime, at no cost to the user.


Discover and download textbooks aimed at grades 4 - 12.