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EdBuddies for the FET Phase
EdBuddies for the FET Phase
“Yesterday I was clever, so I changed the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi
EdBuddies are collections of resources, supporting learning and teaching, anywhere, anytime, at no cost to the user. The resources are made available by service providers, teachers and organisations understanding the challenges of education within the South African context. These collaborators serve the industry wholeheartedly with generosity and expertise.
In thought and action. ǃKE E꞉ ǀXARRA ǁKE

Matrieks, ons is hier om te help. Matrieks, ons is hier om te help! Kyk elke dag op Netwerk24 ...

Free education for the benefit of all South Africans.

Advantage Learn
The help you need, when you need it. Everything you need to excel in High School & beyond to suc...

BBB Press
Tools and resources for teaching drama online, with a growing list of resources.

Eastern Cape Department of Education examination resources
This resource provides preparation for an exam as learners need study material.

Khan Academy Xhosa
Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerat...

LabXchange is an online community for learning, sharing, and collaboration.

Mind the Gap Study Guides
Innovative study guides showing the committed attempt by the DBE to assist Grade 12 candidates in (N...

Mindset Africa
Expert educators have developed these resources to introduce content, concepts and skills for FET su...

Paper Video
Instant access to an extra teacher. Any time. Any place.

Explore our library. Credible sources you can cite for researching and referencing

SABC Education Shows
Established in 1996, SABC Education is an SABC business unit responsible for delivering the educatio...
SABC Education Virtual Academy (SEVA)
Lessons presented online using flashcards, videos and games.
Lessons and quizzes to prepare for exams, information and supplement a textbook. is your free & personalised revision e-learning tool that assists you to recap & solidi...

That Quiz
This site provides access to exercises on Math, Science and Geography.

Via Afrika
Looking for revision exercises and study tips? Well, you’re in luck! Download all guides for free!...

South African medical students who dream to make a lasting impact in the education sector of SA.&nbs...

WOZA Matric
Starting 1 September, 4 hours a day, 7 days a week, SABC, DSTV & ETV will broadcast matric catch...
Business, Commerce and Management Sciences
Information Studies
Maths and Sciences

CASIO Math Tutorials fx-82ZA PLUS
Using Casio Scientific Calculators (English Tutorials).

CASIO Math Tutorials fx-82ZA PLUS II
Using Casio Scientific Calculators (English Tutorials).

CASIO Math Tutorials fx-991ZA PLUS
Using Casio Scientific Calculators (English Tutorials).

CASIO Math Tutorials fx-991ZA PLUS II
Using Casio Scientific Calculators (English Tutorials).

Virtual Science Labs At Your Fingertips All The Time 3D simulations for the major experiments ...

Gr. 10 Lewenswetenskappe Videos
Videos vir Lewenswetenskappe in Afrikaans geskep deur Mnr. Louis Fourie

Gr. 11 Lewenswetenskappe Videos
Videos vir Lewenswetenskappe in Afrikaans geskep deur Mnr. Louis Fourie

Gr. 12 Lewenswetenskappe Videos
Videos vir Lewenswetenskappe in Afrikaans geskep deur Mnr. Louis Fourie

Gr. 12 Maths and Science Tutorials
NTS, is a South African based educational channel. A home for all matrics who wish to prepare more e...

CAPS-aligned teaching and learning resources for Mathematics.

Hou net op Sukkel
Wiskunde- en Wetenskapverduidelikings, opsommings en crash-courses vir Graad 10 tot 12's

Hou net op Sukkel YouTube Videos
Wiskunde- en Wetenskapverduidelikings, opsommings en crash-courses vir Graad 10 tot 12's

Klaskamer 10
Klaskamer10 (op VIA-TV) en Blikslim verskaf puik leerhulpmiddels, addisioneel tot die programinhoud....

Mindset TV Mathematics Recordings
Video lessons to be watched on Youtube or as broadcast

Mrs Math Afrikaans
Mrs Math explains basic Mathematical concepts and gives the advice to become successful in Mathemati...

3D simulations for the major experiments of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Saaste Western Cape
Join and create your own selfpaced learning pathways in Life Sciences.

Shaya Izibalo Maths Institute
Mathematics resources and services to secondary schools.

Unlimited questions. Full solutions. Instant feedback. With Siyavula you CAN master Maths and Physic...

You can do Science
FET: Physical Science lessons, notes, tests and worked out answers.
Social Sciences and Services

Glen Samaai Geografie
Geografie-videolesse vir graad 10 -12

History Classroom
A CAPS study guide , to improve students historical knowlege and equipt them with example questions ...

Not on Our Soil Modules - Climate Change in South Africa
A first of its kind immersive climate change learning experience from a uniquely South African persp...

SA History
Discover important themes, topics and events from South Africa's past with our picks

Time for Geography
British site: Videos to help secondary-school students boost their geographical knowledge.
How to EGD with Stefan Kleyn
A YouTube Channel created under the lockdown of 2020 to support the efforts of my friends, colleague...

IGO Ingenieurs Grafika & Ontwerp
Leerders wat Ingenieursgrafika en Ontwerp het as 'n vak in Suid Afrika.

Pieter Muller EGD
Youtube channel on EGD with practical lessons.
Do you have an educational app, video, ebook, course or eResource?
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Virtual Library
WCED ePortal Online Library