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Broadcasts - Online, Radio & TV
Broadcasts - Online, Radio & TV
“Nothing will work unless you do.” ~ Maya Angelou
These Online, Radio and TV broadcast schedules and videos aimed to support learners during COVID-19 school disruptions. Gr. 10 - 12 learners will find the broadcasts beneficial as the lessons support remote teaching and learning as well as NSC exam preparation. They simulate the continued presence of the class teacher and guide learners in self-directed learning.
Broadcast Schedules
Radio Broadcasts

2022 Eden FM Radio Broadcasts
Radio broadcasts produced by ECKED in collaboration with Eden FM.

2021 Eden FM Radio Broadcasts
Radio broadcasts produced by ECKED in collaboration with Eden FM.

Radio 786 Podcast
This broadcast was used as part of a series hosted by Radio 786 (Education in Reflection) in collabo...

RSG Kompas Potgooi 2022
Hierdie insiggewende oudioreeks, wat allerlei opvoedkundige onderwerpe insluit, word deur die Wes-Ka...
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