Next iteration of the Information and Communication Technology Adoption Strategy: a self-paced, online learning course for School Management Teams, educators at all public schools and education officials
Adjunk-direkteurs-generaal, Hoofdirekteure, Direkteure (Hoofkantoor en distrikskantore), Hoofde: Kurrikulumondersteuning, Kringbestuurders, Adjunk-hoofonderwyskundiges, VOO- en AOO-koördineerders, Vakadviseurs, Prinsipale en Opvoeders van alle openbare skole
KumaSekela Balawuli-Jikelele, kuBalawuli aBaziiNtloko, kuBalawuli, (KwaNdlunkulu nakwii-ofisi zezithili), kwiiNtloko zoKunika iNkxaso kwiKharityhulam, kuBaphathi beeSekethe, kumaSekela eeNgcali zeMfundo eziziiNtloko, kuBaququzeleli be-FET ne-GET, kuBacebisi ngeZifundo, kwiiNqununu nakootitshala bazo zonke izikolo zikarhulumente
New iteration of the Information and Communication Technology Adoption Strategy: a self-paced, online learning course for School Management Teams, educators at all public schools and education officials
Nuwe vrystelling van die Inligting- en Kommunikasietegnologie- aanvaardingstrategie (Information and Technology Adoption Strategy): ’n Aanlynleerkursus vir skoolbestuurspanne, opvoeders by alle openbare skole en onderwysamptenare wat teen individue se eie tempo voltooi word
Ukuqaliswa okutsha kwenkqubo yophinda-phindo ye-Information and Communication Technology Adoption Strategy: ikhosi yekhompyutha oyenza ngexesha lakho yeeKomiti zoLawulo zeZikolo neyootitshala bazo zonke izikolo zikarhulumente neyamagosa emfundo
Third iteration of the Information and Communication Technology Adoption Strategy: a self-paced, online learning course for School Management Teams, educators at all public schools and education officials
Derde vrystelling van die Inligting- en Kommunikasietegnologie- aanvaardingstrategie (Information and Technology Adoption Strategy): ’n Aanlynleerkursus vir skoolbestuurspanne, opvoeders by alle openbare skole en onderwysamptenare wat teen individue se eie tempo voltooi word
Ukuqaliswa kwesithathu kwenkqubo yophinda-phindo ye-Information and Communication Technology Adoption Strategy: ikhosi yekhompyutha oyenza ngexesha lakho yeeKomiti zoLawulo zeZikolo neyootitshala bazo zonke izikolo zikarhulumente neyamagosa emfundo
Updated guidelines on cellular phones and other mobile technologies in public schools
Bygewerkte riglyne oor selfone en ander mobiele tegnologie in openbare skole
Isikhokelo esihlaziyiweyo esingosetyenziso lweeselula nezinye izixhobo zethekhinoloji eziziimobhayili kwizikolo zikarhulumente
Introduction of the Directorate: eLearning Teacher Professional Development Programme (DEL TPD)
Bekendstelling van die Direktoraat: e-Leer se professionele ontwikkelingsprogram vir onderwysers (DEL TPD)
Ukuqaliswa kweProgram yoPhuhliso lwezaKhono zooTitshala yeCandelo le-eLearning (DEL TPD)
Second iteration of the Information and Communication Technology Adoption Strategy: a self-paced, online learning course for School Management Teams, teachers of all public schools and education officials
Tweede vrystelling van die Inligting- en Kommunikasietegnologie-aanvaardingstrategie (Information and Technology Adoption Strategy): ’n Aanlynleerkursus vir skoolbestuurspanne, onderwysers van alle openbare skole en onderwysamptenare wat teen individue se eie tempo voltooi word
Ukuqaliswa kwesibini kwenkqubo yophinda-phindo ye-Information and Communication Technology Adoption Strategy: ikhosi yekhompyutha ngexesha lakho yeeKomiti zoLawulo zeZikolo nootitshala bazo zonke izikolo zikarhulumente namagosa emfundo
Introduction to the Information and Communication Technology Adoption Strategy: a self-paced, online learning course for School Management Teams and teachers of all public schools
Bekendstelling van die Inligtings- en Kommunikasietegnologie-aanvaardingstrategie (Information and Technology Adoption Strategy): ’n Aanlynleerkursus vir skoolbestuurspanne en onderwysers van alle openbare skole wat teen individue se eie tempo voltooi word
Ukuqaliswa kwe-Information and Communication Technology Adoption Strategy: ikhosi yekhompyutha ngexesha lakho yeeKomiti zoLawulo zeZikolo nootitshala bazoo zonke izikolo zikarhulumente