Remote Teaching and eLearning
Resources to support teachers with eLearning

Search the following pages of helpful information on eLearning projects focusing on ICT integration in the classroom and beyond.

  • @Home Remote Teaching and Learning Website

    Remote teaching and learning create incredible opportunities for effective learning and collaboration outside of the classroom. Our current situation – national lockdown - has led to a loss of teaching and learning time and has brought on many challenges and uncertainties about the immediate and future status of learning.

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  • Innovation Hubs

    Dipping your toes in the "learn-to-code" movement is daunting but rewarding. Coding events such as Hour of Code, often focus on awareness and basic skills. If you feel you have more to learn and share, how-about starting an Innovation Hub that focuses on coding skills.

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  • WCED eLearn Moodle

    This is the WCED eLearning Moodle learning space accessible 24/7/365 anywhere and anytime.

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  • WCED: School Closure Pack

    SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED - LEARNING IS OPEN! A collection of eResources to support remote learning and teaching, consisting of various subcategories such as General information pertaining to School Closure, Curriculum and Reading resources, etc.

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  • Why use Technology?

    The way learners access and absorb information has changed significantly over the past decades. They want lessons that are interactive, engaging and fun. Technology allows educators to adopt eLearning as a teaching pedagogy by using different apps, images, videos and other online resources to enhance the traditional ways of teaching and keep learners engaged. We also need to expose our learners to technology. ICT skills are no longer optional, they’re basic skills for functioning in society. For today’s generation of learners to prosper in the world of tomorrow and become contributors to the 4th industrial revolution rather than just passive bystanders, they need to benefit from the opportunities that eLearning provides.

    Don’t be left behind, incorporate technology into your classroom. Start by taking a simple course or downloading the resources that have been made available to you. Speak to other educators who are using technology and share content. You will see a difference in your learners’ attitudes towards your lessons. Bring learning to life!

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