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2022 Winter School Holiday Programme

The Department of Basic Education (DBE), in collaboration with the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT), has developed a Tswelopele and Woza Matrics Remote and Digital Learning (RDL) June-July 2022 Winter School Holiday Programme.



The purpose of the Holiday Programme is to offer a supplementary learning support programme that could help learners to catch up on curriculum learning, revise, enable care and support, and prepare for examinations. The holiday programme will run from 27 June 2022 to 18 July 2022. It will focus on selected grades and subjects from Grade R-12, specifically Grades 3, 4, and 6-12.


The programme will focus on Term 1 and Term 2 revision and also provide some content to support parents and teachers. The targeted subjects will include:

  • GET ISP EFAL, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Economic Management Sciences; and GET FP Numeracy, Literacy, Life Skills (these subjects are also provided in IsiZulu for Grade 3) and Incremental Introduction to African Languages (IIAL).
  • FET Mathematics, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Accounting, Economics and Geography.

The RDL Holiday Programme will be offered across multiple platforms, which include television, radio, digital and non-digital platforms such as mobile applications, YouTube, RDL and partner websites, including the print medium.

  • Television

Tswelopele and Woza Matrics revision lessons for selected grades and subjects will be broadcast on the 24-hour DBEtv on OpenView, Channel 122. The broadcast schedules will be available on the Tswelopele and Woza Matrics websites, and will be communicated to provinces by the DBE.

  • Internet

Revision lessons can be accessed off-air should learners, teachers and parents have missed the live broadcasts. Lessons are available on the Tswelopele and Woza Matrics YouTube Channels, and can be accessed on the following links: and

  • Radio

Radio lessons will be broadcast by the SABC Regional Public Broadcasting Stations across all 9 provinces. These will include both GET and FET subjects as selected by the Provincial Departments of Education. The broadcast schedules are available on the Tswelopele and Woza Matrics websites, and can be accessed on the following website addresses: and The radio broadcast schedules are also available through the Provincial Departments of Education.

  • Mobile Applications

Tswelopele and Woza Matrics further make use of digital platforms to extend the reach of its content. To this end partnerships are in place with platform owning organisations like Siyavula Education, Matric Live (mobile app), Velle (Telegram-based virtual tutoring), MTN Online School (mobile App), and 2Enable (mobile App) to reach more learners through educational resources, exam practice and tutoring support. Additionally, the campaigns work with Old Mutual’s 21 Acts of Goodness to extend support through its homework and after school support, and face-to-face tutoring initiatives. A 3-week revision programme will be run on the MTN Online school and 2Enable applications, focussing on FET phase subjects Mathematics, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Accounting. The programme will include scheduled video lessons, assessments, revision sessions and tutor support. Access this support can be gained via the web or by downloading the mobile applications.

Services and resources are available on the links in the table below:



2Enable App

Matric Live

MTN Online School




WOZA Matrics

  • Print Medium

Parents and carers of Foundation Phase (Grades R -3) learners can support their children during the holidays by working through various activities detailed in Mathematics, Life Skills and Literacy Parent Guides (PGs). The Parent Guides provide a step-by-step breakdown of activities. The Parent Guides can be accessed on the following link/ web address:

In 2021 the DBE and the NECT produced 54 new Matric study guides for high enrolment subjects (42 guides) and home language creative writing (12 guides). These resources are available for download on the DBE Second Chance Matric Support Programme webpage, and the Woza Matrics website. The material is being used by the Class of 2022 and the Second Chance Matric Support Programme. Currently, an additional 24 study guides are being developed for low enrolment subjects and will be digitally available in early July 2022 for use by the Matric learners.

  • Tswelopele, Woza Matrics and RDL Partner websites

The Tswelopele and Woza Matrics websites offer access to resources for learners, teachers and parents. These include subject materials, study guides, reading resources and more. The websites also provide links to the RDL partners and a wealth of additional content, and learning and teaching resources. Teachers, learners and parents are encouraged to access the Tswelopele and Woza Matrics websites.

  • Social Media Campaign

The Tswelopele and Woza Matrics campaigns use social media extensively to communicate with learners, teachers and parents. Daily posts are shared on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram covering broadcast information and schedules, motivational and CSTL messaging, where to find educational resources, and how to register for support on the various digital platforms and Applications. Users can access the social media platforms via the handles in the table below.


For further information and schedules, please visit our RDL websites: and





@Woza Matrics





