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South African Sign Language is a visual spacial language with its own distinct linguistic structure that includes syntax, morphology, phonology and language conventions. It is not based on any spoken or written language, but is a language in its own right. For the first time in the history of South Africa, SASL is recognized to have the status of any other official language and is offered as subject from Gr R – Gr 12 on home language level. South African Sign Language is a real language, equivalent to any other language.
Civil Technology focuses on concepts and principles in the built environment and on the technological process. It embraces practical skills and the application of scientific principles. This subject aims to create and improve the built environment to enhance the quality of life of the individual and society alike and to ensure the sustainable use of the natural environment. Construction focuses on the development of concrete and brick structures in the built environment.
Afrikaans Tweede Addisonele Taal handel oor die gebruik van Afrikaans in werklikheidsgetroue situasies. Die klem val op die vaardighede luister en praat, lees en kyk asook skryf en aanbied. Hierdie vaardighede word aan die hand van tekste bestudeer, aangeleer en ingeoefen. Kennis van taalstrukture en -konvensies en die gebruik daarvan in outentieke tekste is ewe belangrik. ’n Hoë premie word op lees, en veral op leesbegrip, geplaas. Die doeltreffende ontwikkeling van taalvaardighede maak deure na ’n wye verskeidenheid beroepe oop.
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