This diagnostic resource should be used in conjunction with the requirements as stipulated in the...
Covid-19 has created unprecedented disruption to education systems across the world. One of the...
This file contains motivational mantra video presentation, Classroom Crganisation within a...
This file contains Revised Recovery Curriculum and Assessment Plans For Multigrade...
This file contains Revised Recovery Curriculum and Assessment Plans For Multigrade Life...
This file contains an African Storybook named Zama is Great, suitable/made for all Grade R learners...
This file contains an African Storybook called Who Can Count to Ten, suitable/made for all Grade R...
This file contaiins an African Storybook called Tselane and the giant, made for all Grade R learners...
This file contains an African Storybook called This is Norah, suitable for all Grade R learners for...