Career Guidance
Career planning may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. There are practical steps you can begin to take right now that will help get you in line in terms of your future career. The first step in choosing the right career is to understand who you are and what you want in life. Think carefully, plan your next steps wisely, and you'll be able to enjoy the career of your dream sooner than you think.
Een van die belangrikste besluite, is die besluit oor watter beroep jy gaan beoefen: Wat gaan ek met my lewe doen? Gaan ek deur die loopbaankeuse wat ek maak ,vir myself en my gesin, kan sorg? Hoe weet ek dat dit wat ek wil doen, regtig by my pas? Wat as ek verveeld raak in my beroep? MAAK JOU SITPLEKGORDEL VAS EN DURF DIE PAD NA ’N SUKSESVOLLE LOOPBAAN AAN. DIS SO MAKLIK SOOS 1, 2, 3!
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