Via Afrika Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 Study Guide

The purpose of this study guide is to provide further explanation and consolidation
of the concepts explained in the Via Afrika Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy
Learner’s Book. This guide is not a substitute or a replacement for the Learner’s
Book and should not be used in isolation of the Learner’s Book. Rather, this guide
aims to provide further explanation of the key concepts dealt with in each chapter in
the Learner’s Book and more opportunity for practice and consolidation through the
inclusion of additional questions. These questions will still draw on the contexts and
resources used in the Learner’s Book but focus on different areas of application.
This guide will also make more explicit the connection between the contents of
each chapter in the Learner’s Book and the curriculum as outlined in the CAPS
document. In this regard the study guide will help teachers to become more familiar
with the contents of the CAPS curriculum document.