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Tale kan nie geleer word nie, dit kan slegs aangeleer word. Om 'n ander taal te leer, is nie net om verskillende woorde vir dieselfde ding te leer nie, maar om op 'n ander manier te leer dink. En die beste manier is om leerders verantwoordelik te maak vir hul eie leerproses, met die onderwyser as die gids wat hulle moet inspireer.
Science is a systematic way of looking for explanations and connecting ideas. We use inquiry and the investigation methods. These include making observations, formulating hypotheses, carrying out experiments etc. Your teacher will be there to guide you. Get ready! Explore! Know, Understand and Do science!
Life Orientation is central to the holistic development of learners. It should be considered the most important subject in the curriculum. It addresses skills, knowledge and values for the personal, social, intellectual, emotional and physical growth of learners. LO guides and prepares learners for life and its possibilities and equips them for meaningful and successful living in a rapidly changing and transforming society. The focus of Life Orientation is the development of self-in-society.
Welcome to the inspiring world of Creative Arts! In this subject it is important to explore, experiment, experience and express your thoughts, ideas and the subject content you have learnt. You will develop your voice, body and mind so that you can express yourself in many ways through Music, Visual Art, Drama and Dance. Creative Arts will also help you to become a disciplined, focused and creative human being.
Welcome to the inspiring world of Creative Arts! In this subject it is important to explore, experiment, experience and express your thoughts, ideas and the subject content you have learnt. You will develop your voice, body and mind so that you can express yourself in many ways through Music, Visual Art, Drama and Dance. Creative Arts will also help you to become a disciplined, focused and creative human being.
Welcome to the inspiring world of Creative Arts! In this subject it is important to explore, experiment, experience and express your thoughts, ideas and the subject content you have learnt. You will develop your voice, body and mind so that you can express yourself in many ways through Music, Visual Art, Drama and Dance. Creative Arts will also help you to become a disciplined, focused and creative human being.
Welcome to the inspiring world of Creative Arts! In this subject it is important to explore, experiment, experience and express your thoughts, ideas and the subject content you have learnt. You will develop your voice, body and mind so that you can express yourself in many ways through Music, Visual Art, Drama and Dance. Creative Arts will also help you to become a disciplined, focused and creative human being.
EMS is a practical subject that equips learners with entrepreneurial skills, financial knowledge and real-life skills for personal development and the development of the community. The main topics in EMS are the Economy, Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship are integrated to assist learners to become economically and financially literate.
We live with Technology at home, at school, in the sport we play, in the many ways of communicating, transportation by car, train and bus, in hospitals, in the food we eat and the clothes we wear. Hundreds of different Technologies are used to design solutions to everyday challenges and opportunities. Right now Medical Scientists are using their Technology to develop a vaccine for the Covid 19 virus.
Social Sciences aims to provide opportunities for learners to look at their own world with fresh, critical eyes and perhaps, more importantly, it aims to introduce a world beyond their everyday realities. Learners are trained to speculate, debate, to make connections, to select, to prioritise and to persist, in tackling real issues and important questions. It is essential in the teaching of both History and Geography that learners are encouraged to ask questions to preserve the world we live in, and not to perpetrate the injustices of the past.


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