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89076-Anina Lundie
Welcome to the inspiring world of Creative Arts! In this subject it is important to explore, experiment, experience and express your thoughts, ideas and the subject content you have learnt. You will develop your voice, body and mind so that you can express yourself in many ways through Music, Visual Art, Drama and Dance. Creative Arts will also help you to become a disciplined, focused and creative human being. All these qualities prepare you for any career you may choose to follow one day.
The study of Dance in the Senior Phase as part of Creative Arts focuses on providing opportunities for learners to experience the joy of dancing, to learn how to use their bodies safely, to develop their fitness for dancing and to develop sufficient basic skills to equip them for selecting Dance Studies as a subject in FET. Through improvisation and composition, learners of Dance begin to explore and create their own movement sequences and begin to appreciate Dance as a creative art. Since Dance learning is both circular and linear, the same topics are repeated throughout the year, and in each subsequent year, with increasing complexity. Developing skills such as coordination, strength, flexibility, stamina, endurance and control takes a long time and requires regular practice.
Anina Lundie
DCES: Creative Arts (Dance)
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