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Grade 12 Tutor Support
Grade 12 Tutor Support
“You can. End of story.”
Exams are never fun. Especially not matric exams and for the class of 2021 this past year has been REALLY tough. Your schooling has been disrupted and many of you are struggling with stress and hardships at home. We are here to help you.

WOZA Matric
Starting 1 September, 4 hours a day, 7 days a week, SABC, DSTV & ETV will broadcast matric catch...

WOZA Matric WhatsApp Line
Submit questions and send voice notes to 0615 053 023 & a subject specialist will respond.

Lefa Co-op
Install Telegram Chat App on your device and join our various education chat forums.

FoondaMate makes education accessible to those who might have no other means of getting study materi...

Tutonic - Online Tutoring
Tutonic was created to provide free, quality maths and physics support to high school students.
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