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Western Cape Environmental Education
Assessment Tools

Fire Baseline Survey Questionaire
Fire Baseline Survey Questionaire

Observation Form
Observation Form

Stakeholder Interview Questions
Stakeholder Interview Questions

Study Guide 2018: Fire Awareness - Impact Assessment
This impact assessment is done to evaluate the effectiveness of the Fire Awareness Programme (behavi...
Booklets and Infographics

Activity Booklet: Fire - ages 3 to 8
Do you know the difference between good fires and bad fires? In this activity book, you’ll learn a...

Activity: Fire – cut out the firefighter
Print out this page and cut out the firefighter and his clothes as a fun activity for the classroom....

Brochure: FireSafe Tips - Protect you famliy & home against wildfire
FireSafe Tips - Protect you famliy & home against wildfire.

Brosjure: Vuurveilig - Beskerm jou gesin en huis teen onbeheerde veldbrande
Vuurveilige - Beskerm jou gesin en huis teen onbeheerde veldbrande.

Community FireSafe Workshop: Catergory 1 - Understanding Fire
Community FireSafe Workshop: Catergory 1 - Understanding Fire

Community FireSafe Workshop: Catergory 2 - Dealing with Fire Risks
Community FireSafe Workshop: Catergory 2 - Dealing with Fire Risks

Community FireSafe Workshop: Catergory 3 - Fire and Environment
Community FireSafe Workshop: Catergory 3 - Fire and Environment

Education manual: Fire - wildfire awareness toolkit for educators
For many areas of the Western Cape, it is not a matter of if a wildfire is going to occur, but when....

Fire safety and Prevention: During a fire
Do you know what needs to be done to prevent fire and what to do in event of an evacuation? Find out...

Fire safety and Prevention: Evacuation
Do you know what needs to be done to prevent fire and what to do in event of an evacuation? Find out...

Fire safety and Prevention: Prep for Fire Season
Do you know what needs to be done to prevent fire and what to do in event of an evacuation? Find out...

Fire Toolbox Stickers
Fire Toolbox stickers.

Flipchart: Fire Awareness
There are two kinds of fire: useful fires and harmful (or dangerous) fires. We use useful fires to c...

Poster: Fire - Report Smoke and Fire
This poster reminds us of the important numbers to call to report smoke and fire. Useful for communi...

Poster: Fire Hazards
Fire Hazards poster.

Sticker: Fire - Bin Your Butts
This fun print out license disc sticker reminds us to bin our butts, while ensuring we have the corr...

WCG Ads: Area-Based Hazard Awareness
WCG Area-Based Hazard Awareness Ads.

WCG Ads: Area-Based Hazard Awareness - Emergengy Numbers
WCG Area-Based Hazard Awareness Ads - Emergency Numbers.

WCG Booklet: Wild Fire Ready
This is the Emergency Guide to Property Owners in High Wild Fire Inclined Areas. Please read and tak...

WCG Posters: DLG Fire Prevent A2
Posters: DLG Fire Prevent A2

WCG Posters: DLG Fire Prevent A3
Posters: DLG Fire Prevent A3

WCG Posters: Flood & Disaster A2
WCG Posters: Flood & Disaster A2

Workshop Activity: Community Wildfire Risk Assessment Form
Workshop Activity: Community Wildfire Risk Assessment Form
Radio Q&A Interviews and Clips

Cape Nature: who to call for fire alert
Cape Nature report fire and smoke in English.

Cape Nature: who to call for fire alert (IsiXhosa)
Cape Nature report fire and smoke in IsiXhosa.

Cape Nature: wie om te bel vir brandwaarskuwing
Cape Nature rapporteer vuur en rook in Afrikaans.

Radio Clip: Fire - Emergency Contact Numbers
Need to know how to react and who to call in event of a fire? This short radio clip gives you the im...

Radio Clip: Fire - Emergency Contact Numbers (IsiXhosa)
Need to know how to react and who to call in event of a fire? This short radio clip gives you the im...

Radio Interview Eden FM: Fire
Learn all about fire, why it is a threat and what can be done to prevent it. Available in English, A...

Radio Interview Helderberg: Fire
Learn all about fire, why it is a threat and what can be done to prevent it. Available in English, A...

Radio Interview Q&A 2: Fire Safety - Communities
Radio Interview Q&A 2: Fire Safety - Communities

Radio Interview Q&A: Fire Management and Prevention
Read the questions and answer provided by a CapeNature Field Rangers about Fire, why it is important...

Radio Interview Q&A: Fire Safety - Be Fire Safe
Radio Interview Q&A: Fire Safety - Be Fire Safe

Radio Interview Q&A: Preventing and reporting fires
Radio Interview Q&A: Preventing and reporting fires

Radio Interview Q&A: UKhuseleko loMlilo – Khuseleka eMlilweni
Radio Interview Q&A: UKhuseleko loMlilo – Khuseleka eMlilweni

Radio Interview Q&A: Ukuthintelwa nokuxelwa kwemililo
Radio Interview Q&A: Ukuthintelwa nokuxelwa kwemililo

Radio Interview: Fire (IsiXhosa)
Learn all about fire, why it is a threat and what can be done to prevent it. Available in English, A...

Radio Interview: Fire Management
Listen to one of the CapeNature Field Rangers speak about Fire, why it is important to prevent it an...

Radio Onderhoud V&A: Brandbestuur & Voorkoming
Lees die vrae en antwoord verskaf deur 'n CapeNature Veldwagters oor brand, hoekom dit belangrik is ...

Radio Onderhoud V&A: Brandveiligheid – Wees veilig in verband met brande
Radio Onderhoud V&A: Brandveiligheid – Wees veilig in verband met brande

Radio Onderhoud V&A: Voorkoming en aanmelding van vure
Radio Onderhoud V&A: Voorkoming en aanmelding van vure

Radio Onderhoud: Brandbestuur
Luister na een van die CapeNature Veldwagters wat oor brand praat, hoekom dit belangrik is om dit te...

Radio Onderhoud: Brandbewusmaking
Radio Onderhoud: Brandbewusmaking

Radio Onderhoud: Vuur
Leer alles oor brand, hoekom dit 'n bedreiging is en wat gedoen kan word om dit te voorkom. Beskikba...

Radiosnit: Brand - Noodkontaknommers
Moet jy weet hoe om te reageer en wie om te bel in geval van 'n brand? Hierdie kort radiosnit gee jo...
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