PHET Interactive Simulations: Maze Game
Learn about position, velocity, and acceleration in the "Arena of Pain". Use the green arrow to move the ball. Add more walls to the arena to make the game more difficult. Try to make a goal as fast as you can.
Sample Learning Goals
Explain the motion of the red particle when the length and direction of the green control arrow is fixed (not changing) for position, velocity, and acceleration.
Explain the motion of the red particle as you change the length of the green control arrow (and the direction of the arrow is fixed) for position, velocity, and acceleration.
Explain the motion of the red particle as you change the direction of the green control arrow (and the length of the arrow is fixed) for position, velocity, and acceleration.
Challenge: try to maneuver the red particle through the maze by changing the length and direction of the green control arrow for position, velocity, and acceleration (all separately) without touching the walls.