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88591-Ellene Louw

“The alternative to good design is always bad design. There is no such thing as no design.” – Adam Judge ********************************** Design is a creative problem-solving process and includes the study of both design practice and design theory. The design process involves problem identification, planning, research, innovation, conceptualisation, experimentation and critical reflection. This process typically results in new environments, systems, services and products, which may be unique or intended for mass production, or which may be constructed by hand or produced by mechanical and/or electronic means. Design adds value to life by creating products that have a purpose, that are functional and that have aesthetic value. Design products can shape the social, cultural and physical environment to the benefit of the nation. Most importantly, Design equips learners with crucial life skills such as visual literacy, critical and creative thinking, self-discipline, and leadership. It also encourages learners to be resourceful and entrepreneurial, to strategise and to be team players.
Ellene Louw
DCES: Design
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