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Foundation Phase Virtual Library
Foundation Phase Virtual Library
Grade 1
"Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks." — Dr. Seuss
Children learn to love the sound of language before they even notice the existence of printed words on a page. Reading books aloud to children stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written word. When the rhythm and melody of language become a part of a child's life, learning to read will be as natural as learning to walk and talk. Even after children learn to read by themselves, it's still important for you to read aloud together. By reading stories that are on their interest level, but beyond their reading level, you can stretch young readers' understanding and motivate them to improve their skills.
Children learn to love the sound of language before they even notice the existence of printed words on a page. Reading books aloud to children stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written word. When the rhythm and melody of language become a part of a child's life, learning to read will be as natural as learning to walk and talk. Even after children learn to read by themselves, it's still important for you to read aloud together. By reading stories that are on their interest level, but beyond their reading level, you can stretch young readers' understanding and motivate them to improve their skills.

'n Ernstige Ongeluk
Juan Van Jaarsveld, Rob Owen

Nolitha Bikitsha, Catherine Groenewald
Abahlobo bam
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Illustrated by Rajeev Verma 'Banjara' and Published by StroryWeaver Comm...
Akukho ncumo namhlanje
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'No Smiles Today' by Cheryl Rao, Illustrated by Saurabh P...

Amaphulo enkomo yodumo
Ntombizodwa Gxowa-Dlayedwa, Danielle Bruckert

African Storybook, Abraham Muzee

Batsha uboya bukaMvubu!
African Storybook, Little Zebra Books and Carol Liddiment
by Alberta van der Merwe
Little Zebra Books, Sue Beattie
Clare Verbeek, Cathy Feek

Bruin Wat Blink
Patience and Hayley and Catherine, Sue Kramer

Burt’s Bag / King Curtis and Shirl / Helping a Bird
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Charming Carmel
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Madhav Chavan, Rijuta Ghate

Counting animals
Clare Verbeek, Rob Owen

Die Avonture Van Superkoei
H. Van der Haar, Danielle Bruckert
Die diere droom groot!
by Alberta van der Merwe
Die Dieretuin veearts
by Alberta van der Merwe
Die honger ruspe!
by Alberta van der Merwe

Die sokkerwedstryd
Clarien Gouws, Vusi Malindi
Die Storie Van Vuur
Marizel Vorster, Rob Owen, Wiehan de Jager and Amir Bachir, Antonio Necas

Donkey and Ox
Ursula Nafula, Salim Kasamba
Ek hou van less
Fanie Viljoen, Wiehan de Jager
Little Zebra Books, Sue Beattie
Clare Verbeek, Kathy Arbuckle

Feet, hands and head!
African Storybook, Brian Wambi, Kathy Arbuckle, Sarah Bouwer, Selina Masego Morulane, Silva Afonso, ...

Deborah Namugosa, Rob Owen

Hlengiwe Zondi and Zimbili Dlamini, Catherine Groenewald

Going to the city
African Storybook and Dorcas Wepukhulu, Brain Wambi
Gouelokkies en die drie bere.
by Alberta van der Merwe

Melany Pietersen
Clare Verbeek, Bronwen Heath
Happy and Sad
Madhav Chavan, Rijuta Ghate
Hare tricks Elephant. again
Ursula Nafula, Wiehan de Jager
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'No!' by Liora Friedland, Illustrated by Karen Vermeulen ...
Hide and Seek
Mary Z
Hou jou liggaam gesond!
by Alberta van der Merwe
Clare Verbeek, Kathy Arbuckle

How far?
Mercy Chrimon and Lawrence Simon, Salim Kasaba
How I got lost at the market
African Storybook, Catherine Groenewald
How many?
Clare Verbeek, Sandra McDougall

I enjoy doing
Ursula Nafula, Wiehan de Jager
IbIlahlekile Ifunyenwe
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'Lost and Found' by Sukhada Rahalkar, Illustrated by...
Idyasi yemvula ebomvu
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'The Red Raincoat' by Zainab Tambawalla, Illustrated by Z...

Imini eshushu kakhulu
African Storybook, Wiehan de Jager
In die nag, in die dag!
by Alberta van der Merwe

Indoda ende kakhulu
Nokuthula Bernelee Dyonase, Catherine Groenewald

Ingozi embi
Anezwa Madondile, Rob Owen

Ingulube ekrelekrele
African Storybook, Wiehan de Jager

Inyanga ne kepisi
Ntombizodwa Gxowa-Dlayedwa, Angie & Upesh

Iphi ikati yam?
Lunathi Ntunzi, Bronwen Heath
Nokuthula Bernelee Dyonase, Catherine Groenewald
Klaas Haas
by Alberta van der Merwe
Klok die Bok
by Alberta van der Merwe
Eurika Jansen van Vuuren, Kathy Arbuckle

Little Ann’s Nap
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Marquerite Wepener, Jean Fullalove

Caitlin van Duyn, Catherine Groenewald

Mean Doreen / Ethan, Tess, and Me / We All Can!
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

My juffrou
Fanie Viljoen, Jesse Pietersen

My rooi bal
Fanie Viljoen, Marion Drew

Nat's fish shack
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.
Ncuma Nceda! Ncuma Nceda! Smile Please! Smile Sicela! Smile Please!
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Illustrated by Ajit Narayan and Published by StroryWeaver Community.
Ndifuna lena
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'I want That One!' by Mala Kumar, Illustrated by Soumya M...

Ndixelele...ngoku! Imibala
Ntombizodwa Gxowa-Dlayedwa, Rijuta Ghate

Ndixelele...ngoku! Wonwabile kwaye uqumbile
Ntombizondwa Gxowa-Dlayedwa, Rijuta Ghate
Ndiyakwazi Ukunyuka!
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'I can Climb!' by Mini Shrinivasam, Ilustrated by De...
Ndiyathanda ukufunda
Nokuthula Bernelee Dyonse, Wiehan de Jager
Ons gee om vir mekaar
by Alberta van der Merwe
Oupa se Goud
Kerry Saadien-Raad, Elsabé Milandri

Fanie Viljoen, Catherine Groenewald

Pendo, ons koei
Fanie Viljoen, Rob Owen
Phantsi kwebhedi yam
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'Under My Bed' by Anupa Lal, Illustrated by Suvidha Mistr...
Plante en Sade
by Alberta van der Merwe

Quint and the Squids / Which Animal Is It? / Whack! Wham!
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Ranch pals
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Save the Whales
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Tadpole Pals
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Zoe Dalcos, Rob Owen

Tel die diere
Odette Fourie, Rob Owen

Tel die katte
Tessa De Graaf, Jesse Breytenbach

The Best Way to Go
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

The Grime Stopper
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

The Little Yellow Tugboat
The decodable grade 1 books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

uDyakalashe uqhatha intakazana
African Storybook, Benjamin Mitchley
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'The Race' by Kanchan Bannerjee, Illustrated by Kavya Sin...

UJaaka umlobi
Nokuthula Bernelee Dyonase, Zablon Alex Nguku
UKumkani oTyebileyo neNja ebhityileyo
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'Fat King Thin Dog' by Parismita, Illustrated by Parismit...

Umbala omdaka
Xolisa Guzula, Sue Kramer

UMinti noGwebu
Kholeka Mabeta, Sorit Gupto
Umnakwethu omncinci olivila
Lunathi Ntunzi, Mlungisi Dlamini
Umzimba wam
Nokwanda Mbusi, Mlungisi Dlamini
UNja noXam
Nomalizo Mguye and Sheila Mandlate, Rob Owen
Usuku lukaRani lokuqala eSikolweni
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'Rani's First Day at School' by Cheryl Rao, Illustrated b...

Utitshala wam
Xolisa Guzula, Jesse Pietersen
Verskillende soorte huise
by Alberta van der Merwe

Vertel my Nou..! Hartseer en gelukkig
Nicoleen Swindon, Rijuta Ghate

Vertel my Nou...van Kleure
Clara-Mari de Bruyn, Rijuta Ghate

Waar is Lulu?
Elna Van der Merwe, Clyde Beech and Nkosingiphile Mazibuko
Wat Doen Jy?
Nicole Hunt, Wiehan de Jager
Wat kan ek doen?
Robyn Vorster, Cathy Feek
Level 1

Level 1: Animal Sports Day
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: Frog goes to school
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: My first book
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: Ndiyakwazi ukufunda
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: Siya esikolweni
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: USele uya esikolweni
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: Usuku lwemidlalo yezilwanyana
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: We all go to school
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Vlak 1: Die dieresportdag
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 1: Ek kan lees
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 1: Ons gaan almal skool toe
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 1: Petrus Padda gaan skool toe
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.
Level 2

Level 2: Ben finds a new friend
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: Chuck the truck
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: Dressing up
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: Silinganisa iimpahla
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: Siyayithanda ibhola ekhatywayo
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: Ubathathe unomhlobo omtsha
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: UTshotsho ilori etiphayo
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: We love soccer
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Vlak 2: Ben kry 'n nuwe maat
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 2: Jorrie die lorrie
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 2: Ons is mal oor sokker
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslaffase leerders.

Vlak 2: Pas dit my?
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.
Level 3

Level 3: Ann goes to the doctor
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 3: Dudu’s dream
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 3: Iphupha likaDudu
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 3: Isikhukukazi esibomvu
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 3: Little red hen
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 3: ULinda uya kwagqirha
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Vlak 3: Die rooi hennetjie
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 3: Trudie se droom
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.
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Virtual Library
WCED ePortal Online Library