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Foundation Phase Virtual Library
Foundation Phase Virtual Library
Grade 3
“So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, And in its place you can install, A lovely bookshelf on the wall.” — Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
It’s undeniable that a child’s reading skills are important to their success in school, work, and life in general. And it is very possible to help ensure a child’s success by reading to them starting at a very early age. Continue reading to learn more about the top benefits of reading to children and how reading can support them for the future.
Reading is the key to lifelong learning, and if you can instill a love of reading at an early age, then a commitment to lifelong learning is sure to follow. Reading aloud presents books as sources of pleasant, valuable, and exciting experiences. Children who value books are motivated to read on their own, and will likely continue to practice independent reading throughout the rest of their lives.
It’s undeniable that a child’s reading skills are important to their success in school, work, and life in general. And it is very possible to help ensure a child’s success by reading to them starting at a very early age. Continue reading to learn more about the top benefits of reading to children and how reading can support them for the future.
Reading is the key to lifelong learning, and if you can instill a love of reading at an early age, then a commitment to lifelong learning is sure to follow. Reading aloud presents books as sources of pleasant, valuable, and exciting experiences. Children who value books are motivated to read on their own, and will likely continue to practice independent reading throughout the rest of their lives.
'n Warm Saterdag
Fanie Viljoen, Wiehan de Jager

A present for grandma
Sibongile Mnkandla

A trick trike
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.
Adventures around South Africa
Chantel Botha

Aku and her ice cream
Agnes Gyening-Asiedu, Offei Tettey Eugene
Amalungiselelo amakhulu eMbovane Encinane
Zolile Tricarter Kalashe, Steven McKimmie

Amara and the magic tree
Tasnim Muradmia

Amazing Daisy
Nozizwe Herero, Siya Masuku

Avonture deur Suid-Afrika
Yolanda Buqwini, Chantel Botha
Azivumelekanga iihagu apha
Little Zebra Books and Laura Libertore
Bantwana bam
Liz Brouckaert
by Alberta van der Merwe

Bully Bill
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Cat and Dog and the Ball
Elke and René Leisink

Cat and Dog and the butterfly
Elke and René Leisink

Cat and Dog and the egg
Elke and René Leisink

Cat and Dog and worms
Elke and René Leisink

Cat and Dog: Cat is yellow
Elke and René Leisink

Cats and mice
Merga Debelo, Jacob Kono

Chameleon Races Rabbit
Little Zebra Books, Gavin Thomson

Clever cat and foolish dog
Angesom Abadi, Salim Kasamba

Crocodile and Baboon
Little Zebra Books, Jeremiah Dube and Little Zebra Books

Crossing the river
African Storubook, Rachel Greer
Die dinosourus se tandeborsel
by Alberta van der Merwe
Die lewensiklus van die sywurm
by Alberta van der Merwe
Die maak van bakstene
by Alberta van der Merwe
Die Meisie wat Ryk Geword het
Theresa du Plessis, Mango Tree

Die rot
Cornelius Wambi Gulere, Zablon Alex Nguku
Die Ruimte - sterre, teleskope en satelliete
by Alberta van der Merwe
Die wildwagter en sy spesiale reservaat
Fanie Viljoen, Magriet Brink

Do you wonder how snakes slither
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Do you wonder why bugs are good
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Fanie Viljoen, Meghan Judge

Dylan the dragon
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Elephant and Hippo
Terkule Aorabee, Awwalu Sakiwa and Idowu Abayomi Oluwasegun

Fana and her animals
Foziya Mohammed, Jesse Breytenbach
Geen Varke Toegelaat Nie
Ane Myburgh, Little Zebra Books and Laura Libertore

Goat, Dog and Cow
Fabian Wakholi, Marleen Visser

Grandmother's stories
Mutai Chepkoech, Marleen Visser

Heidi, my dog
Refilwe Ramagoshi, Tebogo Boikanyo Matshana

Hen tricks Eagle
Nathan Higenyi, Rob Owen

Hide and seek
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.
Hoekom padda so lelik is
Eunice Vermaak, Hélder de Paz Alexandre
Hoekom Seekoeie nie Hare het nie
Simone Culbert, Carol Liddiment

Hoender en Duisendpoot
Fanie Viljoen, Magriet Brink
Honger Jakkals En Die Suur Druiwe
Fanie Viljoen, Benjamin Mitchley

I found a frog
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.
Ibhasi enkulu ezuba
Xolisa Guzula, Mango Tree
Impuku Ebawayo
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'The Greedy Mouse' by Herminder Ohri, Illustrated by...

Nolitha Bikitsha and Thandabantu Magengelele, Marleen Visser

Indebe yomhlaba: I-Chiefs ne-Aces
Nolitha Bikitsha, Vusi Malindi

Ingozi yokulahla umama
Apiwe Magadla, Zablon Alex Nguku

Inkawu noXam
Nokuthula Bernelee Dyonase, Amir Bachir Antonio Necas
Inoveli Coronavirus: Singahlala sikhuselekile
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'The Novel Coronavirus: We Can Stay Safe' by Deepa B...
Intlanzi yam! Hayi, intlanzi yam!
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'My fish! No, my fish!' by Suraj J Menon, Illustrated by ...
Intwala eyatyunyuzwayo
Nokuthula Bernelee Dyonase, Magriet Brink
Isikhukukazi noKhozo Iombona
Kholeka Mabeta, Magriet Brink

Isikolo sasehlathini
Ntombizodwa Gxowa-Dlayedwa, Ketan Raut
Istayile sika Rafiki
Zolile Kalashe, Audrey Anderson

Jessie the rabbit
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Kalabushe die babbelkous
Fanie Viljoen, Jesse Breytenbach

Keke se Swaai
Kimberly Lange, Marion Drew
Klein Miertjie Se Groot Plan
Bangula Lingo Centre cc, Steven McKimmie
Krokodil en Bobbejaan
Rachel Lane, Jeremiah Dube
Krwempa! Krwempa! Krwempa!
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'Scratch! Scratch! Scratch!' by Dawa Lahmu Yolmo, Illustr...
Kutheni iindlovu zinemiboko emide
Xolisa Guzula, Wiehan de Jager

Leeu soek 'n vriend
Jaime-Lee Wentzel, Marleen Visser

Leeu word siek
Anita Van Zyl, Claudio Molina
Letter to mum
Ursula Nafula, Catherine Groenewald
Livumba lantoni elinukayo?
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'What's That Smell?' by Ashwitha Jayakumar, Illustrated b...

Maguru deel bene uit
Fanie Viljoen, Wiehan de Jager
Meer oor planete
by Alberta van der Merwe
Neymar se besoek aan Afrika
Annerijke Claassen, Benard Agasi
Ongelooflike Daisy!
Bangula Lingo Centre cc, Siya Masuku

Oos wes, skoon bes!
by Alberta van der Merwe
Rampe en wat ons moet doen
by Alberta van der Merwe
Razo die Renoster
by Alberta van der Merwe
by Alberta van der Merwe
Santie die stoute sterretjie
by Alberta van der Merwe

Skilpad Soek Sy Huis
Maya Fowler, Katrin Coetzer

Sunny Meadows Woodland school
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

The case of the missing smile
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

The hike
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

The naughty monkey
This books forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.
UDyakalashe neediliya ezimuncu
Kholeka Mabeta, Benjamin Mitchley

Ukuhamba kunye
Zolile Kalashe, Louwrisa Blaauw
Ukuxukuxa Akumnandi!
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'Brushing is No Fun!' by Srividhya Venkat, Illustrated by...
UMaguru uphisa ngemilenze
Xolisa Guzula, Wiehan de Jager

Umqhagi nehlosi
Kholeka Mabeta, Mango Tree
Umvundla Uba Mpheki
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Illustrated by Chamath Prasanga Lokuliyana and Published by StoryWeaver ...
UNandipha intombazana elincoko
Xolisa Guzula, Jesse Breytenbach
Uncumo lwebhabhathane
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'A Butterfly Smile' by Mathangi Subramanian, Illustrated ...
UNkukhu noSongololo
Xolisa Guzula, Magriet Brink
Unomsindo uAkuku
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'Angry Akku' by Vinayak Varma, Illustrated by Vinayak Var...

UPalesa uthanda izityalo
Kholeka Mabeta, Jesse Pietersen
USikhukukazi uqhatha uKhozi
Xholisa Guzula, Rob Owen
Utitshalakazi uNwabisa
Kholeka Mabeta, Vusi Malindi
Utya ntoni uNeema namhlanje?
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'What's Neema Eating Today?' by Bijal Vachharajani, Illus...

Vakansie by ouma
Fanie Viljoen, Catherine Groenewald
Van suikerriet tot suiker
by Alberta van der Merwe
Wamkelekile kwiHlathi
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'Welcome to the Forest' by Bhavna Menon, Illustrated by K...
Xa ndikhula
Translated by Mpumi Makosi, Original story 'When I Grow Up' by Priyadarshini Gogoi, Illustrated by T...
Level 1

Level 1: Fun in the kitchen
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: Grumpy kid
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: Idayari kaNozikhalazo
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: Robbie rabbit
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: Sea adventure
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: UMvundlana uqhatha uMpungutye
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 1: Utyelelo elwandle
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Vlak 1: 'n See-avontuur
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 1: 1 Pret in die kombuis
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 1: Brompot se dagboek
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 1: Hansie Haas fop Japie Jakkals
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.
Level 2

Level 2: Impelaveki esingasoze siyilibale
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: Izilwanyana ziqhweshile
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: Thandi has a bad day
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: The great escape
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: UThandi unemini embi
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 2: Weekend to remember
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Vlak 2: Die groot ontsnapping
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 2: Thandi se slegte dag
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 2:n Onvergeetlike naweek
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.
Level 3

Level 3: Irhamncwa ekhabhathini
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 3: Ityala lokulahleka kwamaqebengwana
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 3: Kuyamangaza, kodwana liqiniso
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 3: Missing cupcake
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 3: Monster in cupboard
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Level 3: Strange but true
The graded reading book forms part of the online library for Foundation Phase learners.

Vlak 3: Daar's 'n monster in my kas
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 3: Die geval van die vermiste kolwyntjies
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.

Vlak 3: Raar maar waar
Die gegradeerde leesboek vorm deel van die aanlyn biblioteek vir Grondslagfase leerders.
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Virtual Library
WCED ePortal Online Library