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Speak out
Speak out
“I am not African because I was born in Africa but because Africa was born in me.” ~ Kwame Nkrumah
When we are born, we know what we want straight away. We know we want a nice hug and love from the people we are close to and we know we don’t want to stay hungry. We know that we want all of this from our family and friends. But what we want isn’t always what we get. And that is why it is important that you learn from a young age, what your rights and responsibilities are. And learn how to speak out if your life or the safety of loved ones are under attack.

Educators Speak Out Against Child Abuse!
This brochure seeks to give information on child abuse, types and internal & external legal reme...

Gender-Based Violence
It is everyone’s responsibility STOP GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE

Learners Speak Out Against Child Abuse!
This information was made possible by the following organizations:
Speak Out: A handbook for learne...

Opening our eyes
A Manual for Educators (Second Edition)

Prevent Violence in Schools (Facilitator)
Prevent violence in schools focuses on enabling and supporting learners to take action to prev...

Prevent Violence in Schools (Learner Guide)
Prevent violence in schools focuses on enabling and supporting learners to take action to prev...

Speak Out Youth Report Sexual Abuse
A Handbook for learners on how to prevent sexual abuse in public schools
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