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Western Cape Environmental Education

Cape Nature Career Pamphlet
Do you love the great outdoors and are you eager to play a role in preserving the environment and nu...

FET Basic Career Guide
This document has been developed to introduce Student Support Services to basicconcepts of career de...

Green Careers
Explore this website and learn more about the various green careers.

Radio Interview Q&A: A Day in the Life of a Field Ranger
Ever wonder what a field ranger does on a day to day basis? Read the rangers questions and answers a...

Radio Onderhoud V&A: 'n Dag in die Lewe van 'n Veldwagter
Al ooit gewonder wat 'n veldwagter op 'n dag-tot-dag-basis doen? Lees die veldwagters se vrae en ant...

Webinar Presentation: Ranger Day - Junior Rangers
See the presentation of the World Ranger Day webinar.

Radio Interview: Day in the Life of a Field Ranger
Ever wonder what a field ranger does on a day to day basis? Listen to the rangers tell you all about...

Radio Onderhoud: 'n Dag in die Lewe van 'n Veldwagter
Al ooit gewonder wat 'n veldwagter op 'n dag-tot-dag-basis doen? Luister hoe die veldwagters jou all...

Radio Onderhoud: Wereld Veldwagter Dag
Wereld Veldwagter Dag Radio Onderhoud.
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