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Educational Resources for the Classroom
Educational Resources for the Classroom
Western Cape Environmental Education
Lesson Plans and Presentations

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity - Fabulous Flora of the Western Cape (youth and adults)
This lesson plan will help you run a programme on the incredible flora of the Western Cape with comm...

Presentation: Biodiversity - Fabulous Flora of the Western Cape (youth and adults)
Presentation: Biodiversity - Fabulous Flora of the Western Cape (youth and adults)

Lesplan: Biodiversiteit - Fantastiese Flora van die Wes-Kaap (jeug en volwassenes)
Hierdie lesplan sal jou help om 'n program oor die ongelooflike flora van die Wes-Kaap saam met geme...

Aanbieding: Biodiversiteit - Fantastiese Flora van die Wes-Kaap (jeug en volwassenes)
Aanbieding: Biodiversiteit - Fantastiese Flora van die Wes-Kaap (jeug en volwassenes)

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity - Fabulous Flora of the Western Cape (youth and adults) (IsiXhosa)
This lesson plan will help you run a programme on the incredible flora of the Western Cape with comm...

Presentation: Biodiversity - Fabulous Flora of the Western Cape (youth and adults) (IsiXhosa)
Presentation: Biodiversity - Fabulous Flora of the Western Cape (youth and adults) (IsiXhosa)

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity - Food Chains and Ecosystems (Grade 6) 1hr
Learn all about food chains and ecosystems. There are one-hour and three-hour lesson options availab...

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity - Food Chains and Ecosystems (Grade 6) 3hr
Learn all about food chains and ecosystems. There are one-hour and three-hour lesson options availab...

Presentation: Biodiversity - Foodchains and Foodwebs (Grade 6)
Learn all about food chains and ecosystems. There are one-hour and three-hour lesson options availab...

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity - Holistic Predation Management
This general awareness programme investigates holistic predation management.

Presentation: Biodiversity - Holistic approach to predator management (youth and adults)
This general awareness programme investigates holistic predation management.

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity - Invasive Species (youth and adults)
Learn all about the problem of invasive species in the Western Cape, the possible solutions, and wha...

Presentation: Biodiversity - Invasive Species (youth and adults)
Learn all about the problem of invasive species in the Western Cape, the possible solutions, and wha...

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity - Invasive Species (youth and adults) (IsiXhosa)
Learn all about the problem of invasive species in the Western Cape, the possible solutions, and wha...

Presentation: Biodiversity - Invasive Species (youth and adults) (IsiXhosa)
Learn all about the problem of invasive species in the Western Cape, the possible solutions, and wha...

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity - Living and non living structures of plants and animals (Grade 4)
This lesson plan focuses on the difference between living and non-living things and the seven life p...

Presentation: Biodiversity - Living and Non Living Things (Grade 4)
This lesson plan focuses on the difference between living and non-living things and the seven life p...

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity - Plants and Animals on earth (Grade 5)
This lesson plan deals with topics including biodiversity and the different plants and animals on Ea...

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity - Structure of Plants Plant Appreciation Day (Grade 4)
Learn all about the structure of plants.

Presentation: Biodiversity - Structure of Plants Plant Appreciation Day (Grade 4)
Learn all about the structure of plants.

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity and Soil (Grade 5)
Planet Earth is made of rocks. This workshop aimed at teachers focuses on important topics such as b...

Presentation: Biodiversity and Soil (Grade 5 to 7)
Planet Earth is made of rocks. This workshop aimed at teachers focuses on important topics such as b...

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity Crime (youth and adults)
Learn about illegal biodiversity activities that threaten our indigenous wild animals and plants and...

Presentation: Biodiversity Crime (youth and adults)
Learn about illegal biodiversity activities that threaten our indigenous wild animals and plants and...

Lesplan: Biodiversiteitsmisdaad (jeug en volwassenes)
Kom meer te wete oor onwettige biodiversiteitsaktiwiteite wat ons inheemse wilde diere en plante bed...

Aanbieding: Biodiversiteitsmisdaad (jeug en volwassenes)
Kom meer te wete oor onwettige biodiversiteitsaktiwiteite wat ons inheemse wilde diere en plante bed...

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity Crime (youth and adults) (IsiXhosa)
Learn about illegal biodiversity activities that threaten our indigenous wild animals and plants and...

Presentation: Biodiversity Crime (youth and adults) (IsiXhosa)
Learn about illegal biodiversity activities that threaten our indigenous wild animals and plants and...

Lesson Plan: Biodiversity Day - soil is life (Grade 5 - teachers' workshop)
Teachers workshop: Natural Science and Technology for Grade 5 on planet Earth and beyond, systems an...

Presentation: Biodiversity Day - soil is life (Grade 5 - teachers' workshop)
Teachers workshop: Natural Science and Technology for Grade 5 on planet Earth and beyond, systems an...

Lesson Plan: Ecosystem Restoration Food Webs (Grade 6)
Know about what ecosystems and food webs are, the importance of ecosystems & food webs, identify...

Presentation: Ecosystem Restoration Food Webs (Grade 6)
Presentation: Ecosystem Restoration Food Webs (Grade 6)

Lesson Plan: Holiday Programme - Birds of a feather (Age 8 - 12)
A 1hr programme covering bird types, the importance of birds and adaptations (with reference to bird...

Lesson Plan: Mountain Day Event
Lesson Plan: Mountain Day Event

Presentation: Animal selfies - Camera Traps for Conservation (adult)
Presentation: Animal selfies - Camera Traps for Conservation

Presentation: Arbor Day (Youth and Adults)
Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday of April annually. This is a special day to celebrate tre...

Presentation: Biodiversity - International Day of Forests
On 21 March each year, the world celebrates International Day of the Forest. This special day highli...

Presentation: Biodiversity - our solutions are in nature
A celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity.

Presentation: Biodiversity - The Key to More Variety
Presentation: Biodiversity - The key to more variety

Presentation: Living Fossils - Cycads
Do we know what Cycads are? These ancient plants go as far back as the dinosaurs. Cycads are slow-gr...

Presentation: Majestic Mountains - Celebrating International Mountain Day 2020
Presentation: Majestic Mountains - Celebrating International Mountain Day 2020

Presentation: Marine Biodiversity - The Fabulous Forms of Fish
There are some 2 600 species of fish in our seas including 270 families of fishes represented in Sou...

Presentation: The Wonderful World of Insects: Nature's Superglue (adults)
Learn about why insects are so interesting and why they are so important in this fun webinar about t...

Presentation: Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles July 2020
South African turtles, terrapins and tortoises. South Africa has five of the seven kinds of

Presentation: Biodiversity Slides
Presentation: Biodiversity

Presentation: Magical Forests - all about forest biodiversity
Forests play a vital role in biodiversity. They provide food and shelter for the many species found ...

Presentation: The web of life - all about interdependence
The world is made up of a variety of plants and animals, and we call the variety of life on Earth bi...
Energy and Climate Change
Lesson Plans and Presentations

Lesson Plan: Energy - Adult and Youth
Saving energy is an important part of sustainable living. This lesson plan offers both youth groups ...

Presentation: Energy - Adult and Youth
Saving energy is an important part of sustainable living. This presentation offers both youth groups...

Lesplan: Energie - Volwassenes & Jeug
Energiebesparing is 'n belangrike deel van volhoubare lewe. Hierdie aanbieding en lesplan bied beide...

Aanbieding: Energie - Volwassenes & Jeug
Energiebesparing is 'n belangrike deel van volhoubare lewe. Hierdie aanbieding en lesplan bied beide...

Lesson Plan: Energy - Adult and Youth (IsiXhosa)
Ukonga amandla yinxalenye ebalulekileyo yobomi obuzinzileyo. Le ntetho kunye nesicwangciso sesifundo...

Presentation: Energy - Adult and Youth (IsiXhosa)
Ukonga amandla yinxalenye ebalulekileyo yobomi obuzinzileyo. Le ntetho kunye nesicwangciso sesifundo...

Lesson Plan: Energy - Energy Transfer and Energy Chains (Grade 4)
We use energy for everything we do – we get our energy from food, and the energy in our food comes...

Presentation: Energy - Energy Transfer and Energy Chains (Grade 4)
We use energy for everything we do – we get our energy from food, and the energy in our food comes...

Lesson Plan: Energy - Renewable and Non Renewable Resources (Grade 7)
Use this lesson plan to teach and learn all about renewable and non-renewable resources.

Presentation: Energy - Renewable and Non Renewable Resources (Grade 7)
Use this presentation to teach and learn all about renewable and non-renewable resources.

Lesson Plan: Energy & Waste - Climate Change and Air Pollution (Grade 9)
In this lesson plan students will be exposed to a variety of topics around the weather and climate c...

Presentation: Energy & Waste - Climate Change and Pollution (Grade 9)
In this presentation, students will be exposed to a variety of topics around the weather and climate...

Presentation: Defending our climate from change
Scientists are more than 95% certain that nearly all of global warming is caused by increasing conce...
Lesson Plans and Presentations

Lesson Plan: Fire - Fire Awareness (Adult and Youth)
This lesson plan looks at the causes of fire, how to report them, and how to become fire wise and pr...

Presentation: Fire - Fire Awareness (Adult and Youth)
This presentation looks at the causes of fire, how to report them, and how to become fire wise and p...

Lesplan: Vuur - Brandbewustheid (Volwassenes)
Hierdie lesplan kyk na die oorsake van brand, hoe om dit aan te meld, en hoe om brandwys te word en ...

Aanbieding: Vuur - Brandbewustheid (Volwassenes)
Hierdie aanbieding kyk na die oorsake van brand, hoe om dit aan te meld, en hoe om brandwys te word ...

Lesson Plan: Fire - Fire Awareness (Adult and Youth) (IsiXhosa)
This lesson plan looks at the causes of fire, how to report them, and how to become fire wise and pr...

Presentation: Fire - Fire Awareness (Adult and Youth) (IsiXhosa)
This presentation looks at the causes of fire, how to report them, and how to become fire wise and p...

Lesson Plan: Fire - Fire Awareness (Grade 5)
This lesson plan will focus on raising awareness around fires by looking at safety measures people c...

Presentation: Fire - Fire Awareness (Grade 5)
This presentation will focus on raising awareness around fires by looking at safety measures people ...
Heritage & Culture

Advert Nelson Mandela Legacy
Advert Nelson Mandela Legacy

Lesson Plan: Grade R to 2 - Nelson Mandela and some National Symbols
This lesson plan and activity links to the Nelson Mandela exhibition in the City Hall.

Lesson Plan: Grade 3 - People and Places
This lesson plan and activity links to the Nelson Mandela exhibition in the City Hall.

Lesson Plan: Grade 4 - Learning from Leaders
This lesson plan and activity links to the Nelson Mandela exhibition in the City Hall.

Lesson Plan: Grade 5 - A heritage trail through the provinces
This lesson plan and activity links to the Nelson Mandela exhibition in the City Hall.

Lesson Plan: Grade 6 - Democracy and Citizenship
This lesson plan and activity links to the Nelson Mandela exhibition in the City Hall.

Lesson Plan: Grade 9 - Memory as Resistance: Turning Points in the Liberation Struggle
This lesson plan and activity links to the Nelson Mandela exhibition in the City Hall.

Lesson Plan: Grade 11 - New Forms of Resistance After 1960
This lesson plan and activity links to the Nelson Mandela exhibition in the City Hall.

Lesson Plan: Grade 12 - Civil Resistance in South Africa 1970s to 1980s
This lesson plan and activity links to the Nelson Mandela exhibition in the City Hall.
Lesson Plans and Presentations

Lesson Plan: Marine - Marine Month and Food Chains (Grade 6)
What are ecosystems and food webs? Why are ecosystems and food webs important to us? In this lesson ...

Presentation: Marine - Marine Month Food Chains (Grade 6)
What are ecosystems and food webs? Why are ecosystems and food webs important to us? In this present...

Presentation: Marine - Marine Month and Food Webs (Grade 6)
October is national Marine Month. This month is dedicated to celebrating our marine life. Did you kn...

Presentation: Marine Biodiversity - World Fisheries Day
World Fisheries Day is celebrated every year on the 21st of November to highlight the importance of ...

Presentation: Marine - Marine Month and Legislation
Learn about the marine laws that govern and protect our marine environments

Presentation: Exploring life underwater- our marine biodiversity
Marine biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal life that we find in the oceans and seas. Mar...

Presentation: Life between the tides
Presentation: Life between the tides
Waste Management
Lesson Plans and Presentations

Lesson Plan: Waste - Composting (Youth and Adults)
Learn about why waste is harmful and how composting can help.

Presentation: Waste - Composting (Youth and Adults)
Learn about why waste is harmful and how composting can help.

Lesplan: Afval - Kompos (Jeug en Volwassenes)
Leer oor hoekom afval skadelik is en hoe kompos kan help.

Aanbieding: Afval - Kompos (Jeug en Volwassenes)
Leer oor hoekom afval skadelik is en hoe kompos kan help.

Lesson Plan: Waste - Composting (Youth and Adults) (IsiXhosa)
Learn about why waste is harmful and how composting can help.

Presentation: Waste - Composting (Youth and Adults) (IsiXhosa)
Learn about why waste is harmful and how composting can help.

Lesson Plan: Waste - Recycling (Youth and Adults)
Learn about recycling - how it's done and why it is important.

Presentation: Waste - Recycling (Youth and Adults)
Learn about recycling - how it's done and why it is important.

Lesplan: Afval – Herwinning (Jeug en Volwassenes)
Leer oor herwinning – hoe dit gedoen word en hoekom dit belangrik is.

Aanbieding: Afval - Herwinning (Jeug en Volwassenes)
Leer oor herwinning – hoe dit gedoen word en hoekom dit belangrik is.

Lesson Plan: Waste - Recycling (Youth and Adults) (IsiXhosa)
Learn about recycling - how it's done and why it is important.

Presentation: Waste - Recycling (Youth and Adults) (IsiXhosa)
Learn about recycling - how it's done and why it is important.

Presentation: Waste - Worms on a mission
How much do we know about Earthworms? Worms are invertebrates meaning they do not have a backbone, i...
Lesson Plans and Presentations

Lesson Plan: Water - Holiday Programme (Age 8 - 12) 5hrs
In this fun, water holiday programme, learners will learn about the many uses of water and take part...

Presentation: Water - Holiday Programme (Age 8 - 12) 5hrs
In this fun, water holiday programme, learners will learn about the many uses of water and take part...

Presentation: No rain, no gain - rain water harvesting (Adults)
Learn all about how we can harvest water in this presentation.

Presentation: Water - Pollution and Wetlands (Grade 6)
Learn all about wetlands, what threatens them and what we can do about it!

Lesson Plan: Water - Pollution and Wetlands (Grade 6) 1hr
Learn all about wetlands, what threatens them and what we can do about it!

Lesson Plan: Water - Pollution and Wetlands (Grade 6) 3hrs
Learn all about wetlands, what threatens them and what we can do about it!

Lesson Plan: Water - Sustainable Living (youth and adults)
Learn what can be done through this practical water saving programme.

Presentation: Water - Sustainable Living (youth and adults)
Learn what can be done through this practical water saving programme.

Lesson Plan: Water - Water Cycle Water Week (Grade 4) 1hr
This lesson plans covers the water cycle, why water is important and the states of matter.

Lesson Plan: Water - Water Cycle (Grade 4) 1hr
This lesson plans covers the water cycle, why water is important and the states of matter.

Lesson Plan: Water - Water Cycle (Grade 4) 3hrs
This lesson plans covers the water cycle, why water is important and the states of matter.

Presentation: Water (Grade 4) 3hrs
This presentation covers the water cycle, why water is important and the states of matter.

Presentation: Water - Water Week (Grade 4) 1hr
This presentation covers the water cycle, why water is important and the states of matter.

Lesson Plan: Water - Water Week (Adults)
Leam about the importance of water, water utilisation, threats to water, water audit, water saving t...

Presentation: Water - Water Week (Adult)
Leam about the importance of water, water utilisation, threats to water, water audit, water saving t...

Lesplan: Water (Volwassenes)
Learn what can be done through this practical water saving programme.

Aanbieding: Water (Volwassenes)
Learn what can be done through this practical water saving programme.

Lesson Plan: Water (Adults) (IsiXhosa)
Learn what can be done through this practical water saving programme.

Presentation: Water (Adults) (IsiXhosa)
Learn what can be done through this practical water saving programme.

Presentation: Water - Water Week Water Cycle States of Matter (Grade 4)
This presentation covers the water cycle, why water is important and the states of matter.

ECD Teachers Workshop (Lesson Plan): Grade 0 - R (Adults for pre-school)
Introduction to teaching about environment, intro to water, water cycle, pollution story formation o...

Teachers Workshop (Lesson Plan): Water - Pollution and Wetlands (Grade 6) 1hr
Teachers Workshop on Pollution and Wetlands for Grade 6

Teachers Workshop (Presentation): Water - Pollution and Wetlands (Grade 6)
Teachers Workshop on Pollution and Wetlands for Grade 6
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