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Western Cape Environmental Education
Booklets and Infographics

Article: Nurdle drifters around South Africa as indicators of ocean structures and dispersion
Article on Nurdle drifters around South Africa as indicators of ocean structures and dispersion

Booklet: African Penguin
Read this booklet to know more about the African Penguin.

Game: Catch a fish game
Give it a go and play the catch a fish game!

Infographic: Marine & Waste - 4 Rules for Trash-Free Oceans
These fun, informative infographics will help you learn how to reduce the waste that often ends up i...

Infographic: Marine & Waste - Source to the Sea
These fun, informative infographics will help you learn how to reduce the waste that often ends up i...

Infographic: Marine &Waste - Reduce your Plastic Footprint
These fun, informative infographics will help you learn how to reduce the waste that often ends up i...

Infographic: Marine Biodiversity Fisheries
This beautifully illustrated infographic shows how important our fisheries are to our well-being.

Infographic: Marine Protected Areas
This infographic explains what a Marine Protected Area is and why they are so important

Infographic: Nurdle Spill Information
See this infographic about the Nurdle Spill and understand how it impacts our marine life.

Infographic: World Fisheries Day 2022 Tips to sustain

Marine Week 2019
Marine Week 2019

Poster: 21 Days Challenge
See this poster for tips on hoe you can pledge to do something different for 21 days to minimise the...

Poster: Coastal Clean Up 2019
Poster: Coastal Clean Up 2019

Poster: Endangered Marine Birds - African Penguins
This series of three posters will give you all the information you need about three endangered marin...

Poster: Endangered Marine Birds - Cape Gannet
This series of three posters will give you all the information you need about three endangered marin...

Poster: Marine - Rocky shores
Learn all about what rocky shores are and who lives there. Teachers can use this poster as a source ...

Poster: Marine Biodiversity - Freshwater Fishing Guide
See what you'll need for freshwater fishing and some of the top spots in the Western Cape.
Radio Q&A Interviews and Clips

Mariene maand Afrikaans V&A
Mariene maand Afrikaans V&A

Radio Interview Q&A: Off Road Vehicle Awareness for Fisheries Day 2021
Radio Interview Q&A: Off Road Vehicle Awareness for Fisheries Day 2021

Radio Interview Q&A: World Fisheries Day 2020
Radio Interview Q&A: World Fisheries Day 2020

Radio Onderhoud V&A: Mariene Maand 2020
Radio Onderhoud V&A: Mariene Maand 2020

Marine Biodiversity - Penguin Palooza 2020
Learn all about the importance of penguins and watch a penguin release from the view point of these ...

Marine Biodiversity World Fisheries Day 2019
Learn why our fisheries are under threat and what is being done to save them in this fun video filme...

Penguin Palooza 2021
CapeNature and SANCCOB have successfully undertaken proactive measures at the colony to reverse the ...

Video: Mariene Bewaringsareas

Video: Marine Protected Area Day 2022

Video: Marine Protected Areas (English)

Video: Marine Protected Areas (IsiXhosa)

Video: Marine Protected Areas (no subtitles)

Webinar: A Marine Safari
A webinar about marine ecosystems and what is being done to protect them.
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