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Western Cape Environmental Education
Booklets and Infographics

Activity Booklet: Water (ages 7 - 10)
In our water-activity booklet, learners will discover fun and interesting water-based games they can...

Activity: Colouring in - water factory
Have fun colouring in nature’s water factory!

Audio Book: River of Life
An African fairy tale about a rural tribe and a special princess. Listen to a storytelling audio in ...

Audio Book: Rvier van Lewe
An African fairy tale about a rural tribe and a special princess. Listen to a storytelling audio in ...

Audio Book: Umlambo Wobomi
An African fairy tale about a rural tribe and a special princess. Listen to a storytelling audio in ...

E-Book: River Of Life
An African fairy tale about a rural tribe and a special princess. Read the story as an E-BOOK.

E-Book: Rivier van Lewe
An African fairy tale about a rural tribe and a special princess. Read the story as an E-BOOK.

E-Book: Umlambo Wobomi
An African fairy tale about a rural tribe and a special princess. Read the story as an E-BOOK.

River of Life: Audio Feedback Form for Learners
River of Life: Audio Feedback Form for Learners

River of Life: Audio Feedback Form for Teachers
River of Life: Audio Feedback Form for Teachers

Infographic: Wetlands Day 2022 - Wetlands Restoration

Infographic: World Water Day - Groundwater
Every wonder what ground water is and how it works? This infographic explains how important ground w...

Infographic: World Wetlands Day - Wetlands and People
Wetlands are important to people. Find out why with this infographic.

Infographic: World Wetlands Day - Wetlands and Water
Wetlands are important and need to be protected as they provide us with clean water. Read this infog...

Infographic: Water Day - Water Scarcity 2022
Radio Q&A Interviews and Clips

Jason Gordon onderhoud met Micheal van CapeNature
Jason Gordon onderhoud met Micheal van CapeNature

Radio Interview Q&A - The importance of Groundwater
Radio Interview Q&A - The importance of Groundwater

Radio Interview Q&A - Water Usage
Radio Interview Q&A - Water Usage

Radio Interview Q&A: IVeki yaManzi kaZwelonke
Radio Interview Q&A: IVeki yaManzi kaZwelonke

Radio Interview Q&A: National Water Week
Radio Interview Q&A: National Water Week

Radio Onderhoud V&A: Nasionale Waterweek
Ration Onderhoud V&A: Nasionale Waterweek

Radio Interview Q&A: World Wetlands Day
Radio Interview Q&A: World Wetlands Day

Radio Interview: Water - Water Week
These interesting and informative English and Afrikaans Radio interviews remind us why water is so i...

Radio Interview: Water & Biodiversity World Wetlands Day 2020
Learn all about the importance of wetlands in these English and Afrikaans radio interviews.

Radio Onderhoud: Water en Biodiversiteit Wêreld Vleilandedag 2020
Leer alles oor die belangrikheid van vleilande in hierdie Engelse en Afrikaanse radio-onderhoude.

Radio Interview: Water & Wetlands
Learn all about the importance of wetlands and how you can protect them in these radio interviews.

Radio Interview: World Wetlands Day 2 February 2021
Radio Interview: World Wetlands Day 2 February 2021

Radio Onderhoud V&A: Wereldvleiland Dag
Radio Onderhoud V&A: Wereldvleiland Dag

Radio Onderhoud: Water - Water Week
Hierdie interessante en insiggewende Engelse en Afrikaanse Radio-onderhoude herinner ons hoekom wate...

Radio Onderhoud V&A - Waterverbruik
Radio Onderhoud V&A - Waterverbruik

Radio Onderhoud: Water & Vleilande
Leer alles oor die belangrikheid van vleilande en hoe jy dit kan beskerm in hierdie radio-onderhoude...

Radio Clip: Water Saving Tips 1 (IsiXhosa)

Radio Clip: Water Saving Tips 2 (IsiXhosa)

Radio Clip: Water Saving Tips 3 (IsiXhosa)

Radio Clip: Water Saving Tips 4 (IsiXhosa)

Radio Clip: Water Saving Tips 5 (IsiXhosa)

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP1 - Water Cycle Gr.4 & 5
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP1 - Water Cycle Gr.4 & 5 (subtitled Afrikaans)
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP1 - Water Cycle Gr.4 & 5 (subtitled IsiXhosa)
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP2 - Wetland Gr.6
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP2 - Wetland Gr.6 (subtitled Afrikaans)
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP2 - Wetland Gr.6 (subtitled IsiXhosa)
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP3 - Solid, Liquid & Gases Gr.4
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP3 - Solid, Liquid & Gases Gr.4 (subtitled Afrikaans)
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP3 - Solid, Liquid & Gases Gr.4 (subtitled IsiXhosa)
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP4 - Process to Purify Water Gr.6 & 7
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP4 - Process to Purify Water Gr.6 & 7 (subtitled Afrikaans)
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...

LOVENATURE: Water Series EP4 - Process to Purify Water Gr.6 & 7 (subtitled IsiXhosa)
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on water from Natu...
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