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Life Skills: Creative Arts : Grade 6

Anina Lundie
DCES: Life Skills (Creative Arts)
Welcome to the inspiring world of Creative Arts! You will develop your voice, body and mind so that you can express yourself in many ways through music, visual art, drama and dance.
Creative Arts provides exposure to and study of a range of art forms including dance, drama, music, and visual arts. The purpose of Creative Arts is to develop learners as creative, imaginative individuals, with an appreciation of the arts. It also provides basic knowledge and skills to be able to participate in creative activities. A safe and supportive environment is created for learners to explore, experience and express thoughts, ideas and concepts within an atmosphere of openness and acceptance. Creative Arts provides opportunities for learners to give expression to their feelings and understandings, individually and in collaboration with others. It creates a foundation for balanced creative, cognitive, emotional and social development. Creative Arts education, when successfully applied, has been proven to improve literacy and to reduce education dropout levels. By the end of the Intermediate Phase Creative Arts, learners should have a basic knowledge and appreciation of all four art forms and should be able to make an informed choice about the two art forms they would like to focus on during the Senior Phase.
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