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This lesson will teach you the formation of new formula and equations.
Hierdie les sal jou die forming van nuwe verbindings leer asook die skryf van vergelykings.
This lesson will teach you the formulation and balancing of chemical equations.
Hierdie les sal jou die formulering en balansering van chemiese vergelykings leer.
This lesson will teach you the percentage composition of a chemical compound.
Hierdie les sal jou die persentasie samestelling van chemiese verbindings leer.
This lesson will teach you the calculations of the empirical formula.
Hierdie les sal jou die berekeninge van die empiriese formule leer.
This lesson will teach you the principle of vectors and scalars.
Hierdie les sal jou die beginsel van vektore en skalare leer.
This lesson will teach you to destinquish between vectors and scalars.
Hierdie les sal jou die onderskeid tussen vektore en skalare leer.
This lesson will teach you to differantiate between sclar and vector quantities.
Hierdie les sal leer wat die eieskappe van die begrippe, afstand, spoed, snelheid en versnelling,...