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This document is the official Teaching and Assessment Subject Plan for Civil Technology: Civil...
Siviele Dienste Hoeveelhede (Generies) Graad 11 Generiese dele word in al die vakke aangebied....
Siviele Dienste Hoeveelhede (Spesifiek) Week 4 Graad 11.
This is the Civil Services Quantities (Generic) Week 3 eResource for GR11 is intended to serve...
This is the Grade 11 Civil Services Quantities (Generic) Week 3 eResource for GR11 is intended to...
This is the Civil Services Quantities (Spesifiek) Week 4 eResource for GR11 is intended to serve...
This is the Quantities (Generic) WW_CONST_CVLS Week 3 eResource for GR11 is intended to serve as...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 28-...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 28-30...
Siviele Dienste Verbinding verbonde aan Siviele Dienste Graad 11. Die uitleg van konstruksie werk...
This is the Civil Technology CS eResource for GR12 is intended to serve as a resource for teachers...
This is the Civil Technology CS eResource for GR11 is intended to serve as a resource for teachers...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 14-17...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 14-...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 04-...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 04-08 May...
Siviele tegnologie Generies verbonde aan Siviele tegnologie Graad 11.   Die uitleg van konstruksie...
A National Curriculum and Assessment PolicyStatement is a single,comprehesive, and concise policy...
Siviele Tegnologie Siviele Dienste Verbindings les. • Gebruik die presies gereedskap om koppeling...
To develop applying and fixing skills: • By selecting correct method of application. • Use proper...
VERBINDING: Om aanwend en regmaak vaardigheid te ontwikkel: • Deur die korrekte aanwend metode te...
JOINING To develop applying and fixing skills: • By selecting correct method of application. • Use...
Lesson Term 3 week 1 on Construction associated with Civil Services.
Les kwartaal week 1 oor Konstruksie wat verband hou met Siviele Dienste
Launched in January  2020 the DBE has developed an abridged version of section 4 of the CAPS,...
This is the mediated 2020 National Revised Annual Teaching Plans for Civil Technology: Civil...
Please see the presentation providing clarity and mediation for the 2020 National Revised...