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Tale kan nie geleer word nie, dit kan slegs aangeleer word. Om 'n ander taal te leer, is nie net om verskillende woorde vir dieselfde ding te leer nie, maar om op 'n ander manier te leer dink. En die beste manier is om leerders verantwoordelik te maak vir hul eie leerproses, met die onderwyser as die gids wat hulle moet inspireer.
Tale kan nie geleer word nie, dit kan slegs aangeleer word. Om 'n ander taal te leer, is nie net om verskillende woorde vir dieselfde ding te leer nie, maar om op 'n ander manier te leer dink. En die beste manier is om leerders verantwoordelik te maak vir hul eie leerproses, met die onderwyser as die gids wat hulle moet inspireer.
Tale kan nie geleer word nie, dit kan slegs aangeleer word. Om 'n ander taal te leer, is nie net om verskillende woorde vir dieselfde ding te leer nie, maar om op 'n ander manier te leer dink. En die beste manier is om leerders verantwoordelik te maak vir hul eie leerproses, met die onderwyser as die gids wat hulle moet inspireer.
Tale kan nie geleer word nie, dit kan slegs aangeleer word. Om 'n ander taal te leer, is nie net om verskillende woorde vir dieselfde ding te leer nie, maar om op 'n ander manier te leer dink. En die beste manier is om leerders verantwoordelik te maak vir hul eie leerproses, met die onderwyser as die gids wat hulle moet inspireer.
Languages cannot be taught, they can only be learned. Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same thing but learning another way to think about things. And the best way is to make learners responsible for their own learning process, with the teacher as the guide who has to inspire them.
Languages cannot be taught, they can only be learned. Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same thing but learning another way to think about things. And the best way is to make learners responsible for their own learning process, with the teacher as the guide who has to inspire them.
Languages cannot be taught, they can only be learned. Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same thing but learning another way to think about things. The best way is to make learners responsible for their own learning process, with the teacher as the guide who has to inspire them.
Languages cannot be taught, they can only be learned. Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same thing but learning another way to think about things. And the best way is to make learners responsible for their own learning process, with the teacher as the guide who has to inspire them.
Languages cannot be taught, they can only be learned. Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same thing but learning another way to think about things. And the best way is to make learners responsible for their own learning process, with the teacher as the guide who has to inspire them.
Languages cannot be taught, they can only be learned. Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same thing but learning another way to think about things. And the best way is to make learners responsible for their own learning process, with the teacher as the guide who has to inspire them.


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