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Agricultural Sciences is the study of the relationship between soils, plants and animals in the production and processing of food, fibre, fuel and other agricultural commodities that have an economic, aesthetic and cultural value.
Agricultural Sciences is the study of the relationship between soils, plants and animals in the production and processing of food, fibre, fuel and other agricultural commodities that have an economic, aesthetic and cultural value.
Agricultural Sciences is the study of the relationship between soils, plants and animals in the production and processing of food, fibre, fuel and other agricultural commodities that have an economic, aesthetic and cultural value.
Agricultural Management Practices is the study and application of production, economic and management principles that are used in the cultivation, transformation and marketing of food and other agricultural products. These principles are used to produce and add value to high-quality agricultural products so that these products have economic, aesthetic, social and cultural value. Agricultural Management Practices draws knowledge and skills from disciplines such as crop sciences; animal sciences; economics and management sciences; engineering; and information and communication technology.
Agricultural Management Practices is the study and application of production, economic and management principles that are used in the cultivation, transformation and marketing of food and other agricultural products. These principles are used to produce and add value to high-quality agricultural products so that these products have economic, aesthetic, social and cultural value. Agricultural Management Practices draws knowledge and skills from disciplines such as crop sciences; animal sciences; economics and management sciences; engineering; and information and communication technology.
Agricultural Management Practices is the study and application of production, economic and management principles that are used in the cultivation, transformation and marketing of food and other agricultural products. These principles are used to produce and add value to high-quality agricultural products so that these products have economic, aesthetic, social and cultural value. Agricultural Management Practices draws knowledge and skills from disciplines such as crop sciences; animal sciences; economics and management sciences; engineering; and information and communication technology.
Life Skills is the backbone to teaching and learning in Foundation Phase, It encapsulates all foundational skills which is imperative to learn to read, write, (perceptual development) reason and think critically. It focusses on the holistic development of the learner. Namely, cognitively, emotionally, physically, intellectually, socially and aesthetically. Furthermore, it also develops the foundational skills and meta-language for access into the Curriculum in Intermediate Phase for Social Science, Technology and Natural Science.
Every child has the ability to do Maths! Maths teaches us how to apply our thinking to solve problems; numerical problems and, as we grow older, the logical and analytical thinking that Maths teaches us will help us to solve other problems. We have to approach Maths with enthusiasm, positivity, resilience and a “CAN DO!” attitude.
Ingxaxheba yam kukunceda nokuqinisekisa ukuba ootitshala besiGaba esisisiSeko banesiseko esiluqilima sokufundisa IsiXhosa kumabanga R – 3. Okunye kukubonisa amanqanaba okuqiqa alindelekileyo kubafundi. Kuku bonisa unxulumano oluluqilima phakathi kolwimi nobuchule bokufunda nokubhala. .Kukucacisa ukuba ulwimi luyazuzwa, ukufunda kuyafundiswa. Ukuthetha yindalo, ukufunda kuyafundiswa akuzenzekeli. Abafundi mabanikwe/ bafundiswe izakhono zokufunda. Kukubonakalisa ukuba ulwazi lwasekhaya nalufumana esikolweni umntwana linefuthe ekuphuhliseni ukufunda nokubhala.
Ingxaxheba yam kukunceda nokuqinisekisa ukuba ootitshala besiGaba esisisiSeko banesiseko esiluqilima sokufundisa IsiXhosa kumabanga R – 3. Okunye kukubonisa amanqanaba okuqiqa alindelekileyo kubafundi. Kuku bonisa unxulumano oluluqilima phakathi kolwimi nobuchule bokufunda nokubhala. .Kukucacisa ukuba ulwimi luyazuzwa, ukufunda kuyafundiswa. Ukuthetha yindalo, ukufunda kuyafundiswa akuzenzekeli. Abafundi mabanikwe/ bafundiswe izakhono zokufunda. Kukubonakalisa ukuba ulwazi lwasekhaya nalufumana esikolweni umntwana linefuthe ekuphuhliseni ukufunda nokubhala.


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