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Afrikaans Huistaal handel oor die gevorderde gebruik van Afrikaans in werklikheidsgetroue situasies. Die klem val op die vaardighede luister en praat, lees en kyk asook skryf en aanbied. Hierdie vaardighede word aan die hand van tekste bestudeer, aangeleer en ingeoefen. Kennis van taalstrukture en -konvensies en die gebruik daarvan in outentieke tekste is ewe belangrik. ’n Hoë premie word op lees, en veral op leesbegrip, geplaas. Die doeltreffende ontwikkeling van taalvaardighede maak deure na ’n wye verskeidenheid beroepe oop.
Afrikaans Huistaal handel oor die gevorderde gebruik van Afrikaans in werklikheidsgetroue situasies. Die klem val op die vaardighede luister en praat, lees en kyk asook skryf en aanbied. Hierdie vaardighede word aan die hand van tekste bestudeer, aangeleer en ingeoefen. Kennis van taalstrukture en -konvensies en die gebruik daarvan in outentieke tekste is ewe belangrik. ’n Hoë premie word op lees, en veral op leesbegrip, geplaas. Die doeltreffende ontwikkeling van taalvaardighede maak deure na ’n wye verskeidenheid beroepe oop.
Hospitality Studies as a subject exposes learners to a world of exciting and innovative possibilities in food preparation and presentation of sumptuous dishes served by professional waiters. It also focuses on the various sectors and careers a learner can pursue as an occupation. Entrepreneurship is at the heart of Hospitality studies as it lends itself to self-sustenance and contributes to growth and development of the economy.
Hospitality Studies as a subject exposes learners to a world of exciting and innovative possibilities in food preparation and presentation of sumptuous dishes served by professional waiters. It also focuses on the various sectors and careers a learner can pursue as an occupation. Entrepreneurship is at the heart of Hospitality studies as it lends itself to self-sustenance and contributes to growth and development of the economy.
Hospitality Studies as a subject exposes learners to a world of exciting and innovative possibilities in food preparation and presentation of sumptuous dishes served by professional waiters. It also focuses on the various sectors and careers a learner can pursue as an occupation. Entrepreneurship is at the heart of Hospitality studies as it lends itself to self-sustenance and contributes to growth and development of the economy.
“Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible” - Paul Klee ****************************** Visual Arts covers a broad field of creative practice that involves the hand, the eye, the intellect and the imagination in conceptualising and creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks which reflect the aesthetic, conceptual and expressive concerns of individuals or groups. Visual Arts is about self-expression and offers one a way to engage meaningfully with, and respond to, the world.
“Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible” - Paul Klee ******************************** Visual Arts covers a broad field of creative practice that involves the hand, the eye, the intellect and the imagination in conceptualising and creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks which reflect the aesthetic, conceptual and expressive concerns of individuals or groups. Visual Arts is about self-expression and offers one a way to engage meaningfully with, and respond to, the world.
“Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible” - Paul Klee ******************************** Visual Arts covers a broad field of creative practice that involves the hand, the eye, the intellect and the imagination in conceptualising and creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks which reflect the aesthetic, conceptual and expressive concerns of individuals or groups. Visual Arts is about self-expression and offers one a way to engage meaningfully with, and respond to, the world.


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