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This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 04-08 May...
This is the ENGINEERING GRAPHICS AND DESIGN  eResource for GR12 is intended to serve as a resource...
Development of a Cam developed by V Gounden.
This resource explain the steps to draw a cam.
Lesson design to assist you with interpenetration in Grade 12.
hierdie les handel oor 'n vierkantige prisma wat 'n vyfkantige prisma deurdring....
this lesson covers Interpenetration for Grade 12.
INTERPENETRASIE (Sept 2011: Vraestel 1 Vraag 2) 'n Silinder dring 'n seskantige prisma in...
INTERPENETRATION (Sept 2011 Paper 1 Question 2) Cylinder penetrates a hexagonal prism at an angle...
The internal moderator report provides a per question qualitative analysis on the learners'...
The internal moderator report provides a per question qualitative analysis on the learners'...
Please see the presentation providing clarity for the 2020 National Revised Teaching Plans (Grade...
Hierdie lêer is die Ingenieursgrafika en Ontwerp Vraestel 1 vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat...
Hierdie lêer is die Ingenieursgrafika en Ontwerp Vraestel 2 vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat...
This is the Engineering Graphics and design Paper 2  for National Senior Certificate November 2019...
Hierdie lêer is die Ingenieursgrafika en Ontwerp  Vraestel 2 vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat...
Hierdie lêer is die Ingenieursgrafika en Ontwerp Vraestel 1 memorandum vir die Nasionale Senior...
Hierdie lêer is die Ingenieursgrafika en Ontwerp Vraestel 2 memorandum vir die Nasionale Senior...
This file contains the Engineering Graphics and Design Paper 1 Memorandum for the National Senior...
This file contains the Engineering Graphics and Design Paper 2 Memorandum for the National Senior...
This is the Engineering Graphics and Design P1 Memorandum for the National Senior Certificate of...
This is the Engineering Graphics and Design P2 Memorandum for the National Senior Certificate of...
Hier is Ingenieursgrafika en ontwerp Memo vir Nov 2018.Gebruik gerus as voorbereiding vir die...
Hier is Ingenieursgrafika en ontwerp Memo vir Nov 2018.Gebruik gerus as voorbereiding vir die...
Hierdie lêer is die Ingenieursgrafika en Ontwerp Vraestel 1 memorandum vir die Nasionale Senior...
Hier is Ingenieursgrafika en Ontwerp V2 Memo vir Junie 2018.Gebruik gerus as voorbereiding vir die...
Hier is INGENIEUERSGRAFIKA EN ONTWERP V1 vir Junie 2018.Gebruik gerus as voorbereiding vir die...
Hier is INGENIEUERSGRAFIKA EN ONTWERP V2 vir Junie 2018.Gebruik gerus as voorbereiding vir die...
This is Engineering Graphics and Design Paper 1 for National Senior Certificate June 2018. Grade 12...
This is Engineering Graphics and Design Paper 2 memorandum for National Senior Certificate June...
Hierdie lêer is die Ingenieursgrafika en -Ontwerp Vraestel 1vir die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat...