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This document is the official Teaching and Assessment Subject Plan for Physical Sciences Grade 10...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 28-...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 28-...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 28-30...
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 28-30...
This lesson will teach you the formation of new compounds.
Hierdie les leer jou om nuwe chemiese verbindings te vorm en vergelykings te skryf.
This lesson is about the calculation of the empirical formula.
Hierdie les handel oor die berekening van die empiriese formule.
This lesson is linked to the interactive weekly lesson during school closure for the week 14-17...
Hierdie les is gekoppel aan die interaktiewe weeklikse lesse tydens skoolsluiting vir die week 14-...