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This document contains all the FET (Gr 10 - 12) TERM 3: WEEK 2 LESSONS for grade 12 to assist teachers, learners and parents with curriculum delivery during COVID-19 and school disruption.

This document contains all the FET (Gr 10 - 12) TERM 3: WEEK 2 LESSONS for grade 11 to assist teachers, learners and parents with curriculum delivery during COVID-19 and school disruption.

This document contains all the FET (Gr 10 - 12) TERM 3: WEEK 2 LESSONS for grade 10 to assist teachers, learners and parents with curriculum delivery during COVID-19 and school disruption.

This document contains all the FET (Gr 10 - 12) TERM 3: WEEK ONE LESSONS for grade 12 to assist teachers, learners and parents with curriculum delivery during COVID-19 and school disruption.


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